
Santa Muerte4: Facts and Practices Behind the Saint of Death: The Cult of Santa Muerte

Often referred to as the Cult of Santa Muerte by the media, the impassioned followers who devote their time to praying to Santa Muerte began coalescing in the past few decades. Unfortunately, Santa Muerte has gotten a reputation for being the patron saint of drug dealers; however, her followers are much more varied than that. While there is proof that people involved in the drug trade do revere Santa Muerte as their chosen saint, many people with other professions look to her in times of stress, in need of healing and solace when a loved one has passed.

Similarly, this fear of the Cult of Santa Muerte and its connection to the Mexican drug cartel speaks more towards global concerns over the drug trade than it does this mythic icon. In order for the media to appear anti-drug, they also have to demonize the Cult of Santa Muerte, and this demonization isolates rural Mexican followers who find real solace in supporting her.

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