Dream Magick

Dreams of Witches 4: Witches in Various Dreamworld Locations

Depending on the setting in which you meet your dream witch will give you an interpretation. Here are a few common witch dream settings: A witch walking along the seashore might indicate you have buried emotions that are trying to come to the surface or unrequited love Witches in the woods might indicate you have a big transition or change coming up in your life (and it could also mean you are being called to practice the craft) A witch walking through the cemetery indicates your ancestors are trying to grant you their wisdom Dreams of witches in magical shops or bookstores might mean you have a new project or career path to tend to A dream of a witch in your own home, depending on if its light hearted or scary, means someone new has come into your life OR someone is working against you Being in a witch’s home in your dream means you have a lot to learn

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