Dream Magick

Dreams of Witches 5: Witch Dreams that Terrify

  The Night Hag Attack and Sleep Paralysis Sometimes dreams of witches aren’t mystical and whimsical, they’re the exact opposite. Terriying and terrible. Not  every witch in the dream world is out for your own good. There are many spirits on the astral plane that take on the image of others…including witches.

Did a witch attack you in your sleep? Sit on your chest, choke you, and try to squeeze the life out of you? This is called a Night Hag attack. Otherwise known to the scientific community as sleep paralysis. These types of Dreams can be unpleasant to deal with. But what is the meaning behind a witch attacking you in your dreams?

We could write it off and say it’s simply a sleep disorder, but there may be more to it than that. Night hag attacks are often a sign that someone is out to get you…maybe professionally or maybe personally. They might even (knowingly or unknowingly) be sending bad juju your way. Time to spiritually protect yourself.

And still others say when a witch chases you or attacks you in your dreams, it’s a sign that your deepest urges have been suppressed for far too long. That this aspect of you is trying to claw its way out. Consider exploring what shadow of yourself you’ve been hiding from the world.

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