Solitary Magick

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips

AniseRomans paid taxes with anise, and it was used in cough drops. BasilPrecious to lovers in Italy and considered sacred in India. Many years ago, Italian men wore a sprig of basil to indicate their ...


A phosphorescent light seen in marsh and swamp areas, which in folklore is either the manifestation of a malicious lost soul or a death omen. Jacko’-lantern is known by various names, including will-o...

Folklore & Spell Work

The majority of people who are new to spell working will acknowledge that for them common sense backed up by practical action is normally more productive than theoretical or mystical thinking. In magi...

Broom Folklore in Rural Cultures

The broom is one of those tools that most people have in their home – whether they’re a witch or not! In many rural cultures, the broom has become a source of legend and folklore. Here are just a few ...

Baba Yaga

In Russian folklore, a female witch who loved to roast and eat people, preferably children. She was as likely to pop a niece in the oven as she was a stranger. She lived in a little hut beyond a river...

The Meeting of Pagan and Christian

Ways of dealing with problems within the community, which used a blend of Christian and pagan rituals, was partly a product of the interaction between Christianity and paganism. Pagan belief demanded ...


Archetypal wizard of Arthurian lore. Merlin is a Latinized version of the Welsh Myrddin. His exact origins are lost in myth; he may have been a god, perhaps a version of Mabon or Maponos, the British ...

Berkeley Witch

In English folklore, the BerkeleyWitch was a wealthy woman who lived during the timeof the Norman Conquest in the town of Berkeley in England’sheartland. She was wealthy and well liked, andlived luxur...

Making a Corn Dolly

You Will Need Two small handfuls of corn stalks Green and yellow wool or cotton Trailing greenery (ivy or grape vine are ideal) Appropriately colored ribbons for the ritual (red or orange for Lammas) ...

Lunar Folklore

If the Moon is feminine in nature, how did we ever come up with the “man in the Moon?” Even though this idea is often thought of as strictly an American invention, such is not the case. The Sanskrit w...


Befana  is an old woman who delivers gifts to children throughout Italy on Epiphany Eve (the night of January 5). A popular belief is that her name derives from the Feast of Epiphany or in Italia...

Folk Magick And Ritual Magick

Whether you are casting a simple spell, using items from your kitchen cupboard, or performing acomplicated group ceremony, the source of the power behind it is the same. Every spell or ritualinvolves ...

Apples in Folklore

Apples, cultivated in Britain as early as 3000 b.c.e., have had a long association with magic, witches, and goddesses. Magic apple lands, whose fruit gave eternal life, were cultivated by various West...


An old, ugly woman believed to be a witch or sorceress;also, a supernatural, demonic being whose powersenable her to live an incredibly long time.The origin of the term “hag” is found in the ancientGo...

Mother Shipton

A 15th-century English witch and seer who supposedly prophesied scientific inventions, new technology, wars and politics through several centuries, all written in crude rhymes. The books of her “proph...

Girdle Measuring

An old technique of magical healingby wise women and men, wizards and witches involvingthe measuring of the patient’s girdle or belt. Changes ingirth revealed the presence of evil spirits or fairies w...


It is the duty of the banshee or ‘woman of the fairies’ to foretell the death of an individual. Banshees are attached to particular families and their cry is only heard when a family member is about t...

Shape Shifting

Spells designed to bring about a difference in bodily appearance in order to dissolve mischievous enchantments by the fairy folk or frequenters of the lower world were legion in most cultures. In Celt...


Participants in the lingering remnants of an ancient agrarian cult in northern Italy, which came to the attention of the Inquisition in the late 16th century because of the cult’s nocturnal battles wi...

Mother Redcap

A name applied to English ale-wives, wise women and witches. It was also given to familiar animals. One Mother Redcap was an elderly woman who lived in a village about 14 miles from Cambridge, England...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft

Bellarmine jugs, bottles, and drinking-mugs were produced by the potteries of the Rhineland area, from the sixteenth centuryonwards. They were exported in large numbers to this country, where they bec...

Lucius Apuleius

Lucius Apuleius is best known to us as the author of The Golden Ass, one of the most famous romances in the world, containing as it does the story of Cupid and Psyche. His importance to the study of w...

A Smoke and Fire Love Spell

One sheet of white parchment paper, love drawing incense (mix together 2 tbsp. each of sandalwood, lavender buds, orris root powder. To the powdered mixture add six drops rose oil and one drop cherry ...

Fire Love Spell

One sheet of white parchment paper, love drawing incense (mix together 2 tbsp. each of sandalwood, lavender buds, orris root powder. To the powdered mixture add six drops rose oil and one drop cherry ...

Hedge Witches’ Rites of Fire

Light incense. Pass over working area. Place the representation of your magick key near your other supplies for this night. Close your eyes, and envision yourself surrounded by white light. Take thirt...


The most likely derivation of the word ‘bonfire’ is that it was a ‘boonfire’ , that is, a fire for which the materials had been begged as a boon or gift. We still see this taking place in the weeks be...

Fireplace Magick

This simple spell isused to make a wish come true, and is especially effective if done on New Year’s Eve. It is also great way to end a romantic evening or group gathering. Items needed: One square of...

Incenses and Fragrances based on the Element of Fire

Allspice (money, luck) Wear allspice oil to increase luck, especially when gambling. Allspice is added to incense to attract money. Basil (love, wealth, protection) Add basil to food, or sprinkle arou...

Familiars and The Witchhunts

In folklore, low-ranking demons in constant attention to witches for the purpose of carrying out spells and bewitchments. Familiars usually assumed animal forms—cats, toads, owls, mice, and dogs were ...

Familiars in Contemporary Witchcraft

Many modern witches have animal familiars, usually cats, which are their magical helpers. Some also have dogs, birds, snakes or toads. Witches do not believe the familiars are “demons” or spirits in a...

Fairy Lore

The physical characteristics of fairies vary. Some are tiny, winged, gossamer creatures a few inches tall who can alight on a drop of water and barely make it tremble. Some are dwarfs and “little peop...

Fairies and the Witchhunts

In 1566 John Walsh of Dorset was accused of witchcraft.He admitted being able to tell if a person was bewitched.A gift bestowed upon him partly by fairies.The fairies, he claimed, lived in great heaps...

Fairy Wishing Spell

As you walk through the woods, keep a close eye out for Fairy circles, small circular areas surrounded by inedible red fungi with white spots. It is believed that fairies meet within these rings to ce...

The Grass Fairy

Many animals rely on the grass fairy to nurture better grass and grains for their feed. He works with a squad of other Fairies bringing sweet briar and elderflowers for the ground to nourish the grass...

Pixie in the Fairy Realm

These small creatures are said to have red hair, small, turned-up noses, pointed ears, and pale, youthful faces. They are especially attracted to gardens in bloom and take up residence under toadstool...

Deva in the Fairy Realm

In New Age philosophy, devas are the guardians of nature and are responsible for building up forms on the inner planes as well as on the physical plane. The devas hold the keys of fate for all forms a...

How to Make Fairy Dust

Items needed: A blender or coffee grinder, silver glitter, dark blue jar, three silver coins, silver paint or a silver marker, and the following dried herbs groundinto a fine powder: 1 tbsp. woodruff1...

Elf in the Fairy Realm

Found in British, Scandinavian, and Teutonic folklore, elves are tiny, human-shaped supernatural beings who resemble little old men. However, elf maidens are considered to be young and very beaut...

Gnome in the Fairy Realm

Considered to be a nature spirit or elemental, gnomes resemble dwarfs with small stocky bodies and usually appear as little old men dressed in monks’ habits. Gnomes live in the earth, the element they...


A host of supernatural beings and spirits who exist between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, fairies have been associated with witches. During the witch hunts in Europe and the British Isles, acc...

The Fair Folk

The people of the mounds, those who live in the hollow hills, are held within the earth’s deep embrace.These are often known as the Fair Folk,Faerie or the Sidhe: the inhabitants of the realms of Faer...

Leprechaun in the Fairy Realm

The folklore of Ireland is filled with famous tales of this fairy shoemaker. The Leprechaun is depicted as having a wizened face, gray beard, and twinkling eyes. He wears a red jacket with silver butt...

Auki in the Fairy Realm

The mountain spirit of Peru who inhabits the high Andes, is called upon by the brujos (shamans) to heal the sick. The brujos will call the auki by whistling. The auki will descend, and channel its pow...

Goblins in the Fairys Realm

Goblins are earth spirits. Popular in European folklore, goblins are said to be knee-high, with heavy gray hair and beards. They inhabit the homes of humans, where they indulge in poltergeist activiti...

Elf Arrows

Arrowhead-shaped flints from the Stone Agefound in many parts of the British Isles, Europe andnorthern Africa, which witches supposedly used as weaponsagainst animals and people. Elf-arrow superstitio...

Nymph in the Fairy Realm

Nymphs are female water spirits that appear in classical Greek and Roman mythology. They are portrayed as beautiful maidens dressed in gossamer gowns, with long flowing hair. The nymphs would attend t...

The Hedge Craft – Connecting to the Lowerworld

The Lowerworld is often associated with the Sidhe, the Fair Folk, thefaerie folk. Travelling by means of the World tree, we can work with theFair Folk as well as the ancestors in the Lowerworld. The a...

Fairy Ring

A natural mushroom fungus that grows indark rings on grass and turf. In folklore it is said to bethe site where fairies and witches meet at night to danceand sing. The mushroom is inedible—and animals...

Bogie in the Fairy Realm

A frightening goblin of English folklore. The bogie is described as little, black, and hairy. It is considered dangerous, mischievous, sly, and is renowned for its intelligence. Parents would use the ...

Making Fairy Water

Use this fairy water out in the garden as well as using it as an astringent and in the bath! Sprinkle a few drops here and there along with some glitter! If that doesn’t make the wee ones want to visi...

Fairies & Their Origins

A host of supernatural beings and spirits who exist between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, fairies have been associated with witches.During the witch hunts in Europe and the British Isles, accu...

Dependence on Entity Use

Sometimes when we use things, we begin to incorporate them into our lives. Soon we find it hard to think of a time when we didn’t use such an item. We find ourselves dependent on that item. The same c...

Entity Uses

  The creation of magickal entities can be a very rewarding form of magickal working. One thing that people tend to state, over and over again, is the level of control over the magickal process t...

Definition Of Entity

The entities that can be created, are thought-forms that have been selected to bring forth desired results. A thought-form is a symbol that represents a concept or thought for the person. A thought-fo...

Precautions when working with entities

  When working with entities, it is important to be aware of the consequences of this type of magickal working, just like other forms of magickal workings, using entities comes with both responsi...

Goals and Results when using Entity’s

What is it that I want the entity to do? How will the entityaccomplish this task? What variables do I need to factor inso that the entity is successful? What is my timetable? Howdo I insure that the e...

Naming an Entity

Naming an entity can be one of the most difficult things todo for some magi. Some, unnecessarily, agonize over whattype of name would give justice to their creation. Others areafraid that they are not...

Your Entity’s Appearance

There are many different ways to come up with an appearance for your entity. A rather simple way is to take its general realm of influence and look for symbolism that ‘would afford a good appearance. ...

Housing your Entity

One of the easiest ways for people to interact with entities is to evoke the entity into a physical item. Usually, the physical containers of entities resemble the entities themselves. It is thought t...

Respecting Nature and Energies

The primary thought of the vast majority of Pagans and Witches is that we should respect nature and all its offerings. There may always be exceptions to this rule but they are probably few and far bet...

Attuning Your Energies 1: The First Steps

The first step to working with entities is learning to attune your energy to work with an entity. What that means is that you should have some degree of control over your own energy. If you do not, wo...


The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. These people filter the world through their intuition and have...

Quick Grounding Techniques For The Busy Empath

As empaths and sensitives it’s very important for us to stay grounded. Many of us lead very busy lives and don’t always have time to meditate for a certain amount of time each day, cleanse our chakras...

Ten Types Of Empaths

 Being an Empath can be difficult and confusing, but with awareness of your gifts and abilities, you can refine them and use them to guide, heal and protect yourself and the people you love.   W...

Types of Empaths

Emotional empath One of the more common types of empaths, an emotional empath can easily pick up on—and even take on themselves—the emotions of others. If a friend or family member is upset or sad, th...

Types of Empaths: Emotional empath

  One of the more common types of empaths, an emotional empath can easily pick up on—and even take on themselves—the emotions of others. If a friend or family member is upset or sad, they may soon fin...

Types of Empaths: Physical empath

Similar to emotional empaths, this kind of empath deals with physical symptoms, as they’re able to “pick up physical symptoms from other people and absorb them in their own bodies,” Orloff says. “Phys...


Spirits that personify the four elements— earth, air, fire and water. The term elementals also is applied to nature spirits, which exist in all things in nature and look after animals, insects, birds,...

Earth Incense and Fragrance

The following herbs, oils, and incense mixtures can be used when doing earth magick. Because herbs are related to earth, their vibrations will enhance all your magickal works, especially those affilia...

Working with the Four Classic Elements

Throughout history, many paths have used the four basic elements to draw energy in and around us to manifest our desires. Each sign we are born under are closely connected with the Energies of that si...

The Elements

One way of connecting with the energies of the natural world, and by extension, the entire Universe, is in relationship with the four elements. The recognition of elemental states of matter has been a...

The Elemental Pentacle

The Elemental Pentacle, the most famous symbol of Witchcraft is a bold and fascinating statement about our place in the Universe. When the pentacle is drawn or written, the image created is called a p...

Water Element

Water’s nature is to be still, but its energy can be tremendous when acted upon by an outside force. Reflecting upon Water’s cleansing, blessing, and nourishing properties we understand how intimately...

The earth is our birthplace

The earth is our birthplace, yet for millions of us, it feels strangely foreign. Most of us busily scurry through our lives taking little notice of the earth. There are several reasons for this. First...

Rite of Earth

Light incense. Pass over the working area. Place the representation of your magick key near your other supplies for this night. Smile. Close your eyes, and envision yourself surrounded by white light....

Connecting to Earth

Sit somewhere in a natural setting: on a beach, in a forest, a field, or even in your own backyard.Breathe deeply and close your eyes.If your health will be compromised by exposure to inclement weathe...

The Element of Air

The element of Air is symbolically related to breath. It is the refined realm between the physical and spiritual planes. Air provides us with inspiration, illumination, and the ability to communicate ...

Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

The following list contains many of the herbs traditionally used by Witches and other magickal folks in dream magick, followed by their various applications: Anise To prevent nightmares, fill a white ...

Hypnosis Lucid Dreaming Ritual

Mugwort Flower Essense Remedy * A bathtub STEP 1: Draw a warm bath just before going to bed. Add 20 drops of mugwort into the water. STEP 2: Sit in the bath in quiet meditation to clear your mind, for...


We have all had those dreams which we can vaguely remember and strive to figure out what they mean. So what are dreams? Dreams are the language of the subconscious, encoded in symbols, which is trying...

Dream Catcher in Your Window

Place a dream catcher in your window to catch bad dreams before they come to you. Also try a broom under your bed, if you can’t find a dream catcher.

Cutting Ties with Bad Dreams

An athame placed between your mattresses will ‘cut’ the ties between yourself and old bad dreams so they cannot come again.

Tea Leaf Divination

Anything from clouds, crystals, incense smoke, or tarot, oracle, or playing cards can be read for divining purposes. All you need is to feel attuned to interpreting what you see. Images may appear to ...


ORIGIN Greek. Messenger of the gods. KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 800 BC but probably earlier until Christianization (circa AD 400). CENTER(S) OF CULT Pheneos (Arcadia); otherwise few specific places...

Deities Of The Moon

Invoke these for gentle increase, power and banishing energies, fertility, intuition, magick and dreams. Arianrhod Arianrhod is a Welsh goddess of the full moon and also of time, karma and destiny. Sh...

Deities for Protection

Anubis (Egyptian) : The jackal headed god. Anubis is the gatekeeper to the underworld a protector and a guardian. Anubis can walk with you during challenging magickal situations. He can help to remove...

Deity – Soul

There are 2 types of souls. Those that use their minds to live life with, and souls that use their hearts. The soul uses both but typically one makes the most decisions, certainly not all in most case...

Deities For Power

These deities may be invoked for strength, success, energy, inspiration and increase. Apollo Apollo, the Greek Sun God, was twin brother of Artemis, the Moon Goddess. As god of the solarlight, Apollo ...


ORIGIN Roman. Messenger god. KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 400 BC to circa AD 400. SYNONYMS Psychopompus; Oneicopompus; HERMES (Greek); Mercury. CENTER(S) OF CULT Circus Maximus (Rome). ART REFERENCES...

Hermes Trismegistus

The thrice greatest Hermes,” amythological blend of the Egyptian god Thoth, who governedmystical wisdom, magic, writing and other disciplines,and was associated with healing; and the Greekgod Hermes, ...

Deity – The Laws

The Laws of the Universe are created in such a way that nothing escapes punishment and no good deed goes unrewarded. The Deity lives in everything that exists and is therefore omnipresent. It is belie...

Deities Of The Environment

Invoke these deities for rituals involving all aspects of the environment and for healing the planet. Gaia Gaia is the all-embracing and all-nourishing goddess of the Earth. It is said that she suppli...

Deities Of The Male Principle

These deities are for the hunt, instincts, willing sacrifice and ecstasy. Cernunnos Cernunnos, meaning ‘horned one’, was a generic term for the various Horned Gods of the Celtictradition. The god date...

Deities Of Marriage

These deities can be invoked in rituals concerning the family and the home. Frigg Frigg was the Viking Mother Goddess whose jewelled spinning wheel formed Orion’s belt; aspatroness of marriage, women,...


The deity is one with everything, nothing exists without their spirit in it. The deity exists within you just as they exist within every human and animal, plant, insect, and object that can be touched...


ORIGIN Greek. Goddess of the moon and of pathways. KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 800 BC until Christianization (circa AD 400). SYNONYMS Hekate. CENTER(S) OF CULT Lagina. ART REFERENCES sculptures and ...


Odin (pronounced “OH-din”; Old Norse Óðinn, Old English and Old Saxon Woden, Old High German Wuotan, Wotan, or Wodan, Proto-Germanic *Woðanaz, “Master of Ecstasy”) is one of the most complex and enigm...

Deities Of Healing

Aesculapius Aesculapius was a healer, son of Apollo and the mortal Corona, who lived during the eleventh centuryBC, and became a god after Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt for raising the dead.The f...

Green Man

Green Man A pagan deity of the woodlands, usually represented as a horned man peering out from a mask of foliage, usually the sacred oak. The Green Man, also called “Green Jack,” “Jack-in-the-Green” a...


ORIGIN Greek. Goddess of war and patron defender of many Greek cities. KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 800 BC and earlier until Christianization (circa AD 400) and later. SYNONYMS Athene; PALLAS AT...

Deities of fire

Agni Agni, the Hindu god of fire, is said to be manifest as the vital spark in mankind, birds, animals, plantsand life itself. He appeared in lightning, in celestial sun flares, in the sacred blaze ri...

Wise Woman Deities

These goddesses are for transformation rituals, for endings that become beginnings and for acceptingwhat cannot be changed. Cailleach Cailleach, meaning’ the Veiled One’, is the Celtic name for a numb...

Deities and the Divine

Seeking and attaining a spiritual relationship with the Triple Goddess or Cernunnos or Diana or any other number of deities from around the ancient world can be a very effective way into the Craft, an...

The Hedge Witch – The Gods

In Witchcraft, the gods are often seen as a part of nature, as are we, flowing through time and space. That quality, that energy that we term as the deity is within everything. As it is within everyth...

Deity – Life and Death

Life is the force that moves the dead Earth and all things that exist. Death is the force that stops all things that move the living Earth and all things that do not yet exist. All things live and all...


Dionysos’ sacred animals were the panther (leopard), tiger, bull and serpent. The god rode on the back of a panther or drove a chariot drawn by a pair of the beasts.His sacred plants were the grapevin...


Artemis is the Greek version of the classical moon-goddess, whom the Romans called Diana.Like the moon, she changes her form.Sometimes we see her as the ‘huntress chaste and fair’, the young girl, eve...

Summer Solstice Gods and Goddesses

The summer solstice has long been a time when cultures celebrated the lengthening year. It is on this day, sometimes called Litha, that there is more daylight than any other time; a direct counterpoin...

Deities of Wisdom

As well as wisdom, these gods and goddesses are for knowledge, truth and justice. Athena Athena, or Athene, daughter of Zeus, is the goddess of wise counsel, both in peace and war, of intelligence, re...

Charge Of The God

For some practitioners, this charge is less important, but some may  believe that the male polarity or energiesare an integral part not only of the seasonal Wheel of the Year, but also of human e...

Bottle Curse

Supplies needed are as follows : 1)compass 2)4 baby jars 3)4 rocks large enough to smash glass 4)sage 5)cinnamon incense 6)black candle 7)candle holder 8)matches/lighter 9)digging tool 10)wand 11)spoi...

Mirror Curse

Ingredients A mirrorDescriptionCurse an enemy with a simple mirror hex. Spell Casting Capture your angered reflection in a mirror. (Variations of this curse say to capture the reflection of the enemy ...

Questions to ask yourself before making a Curse or Hex

A majority of people strive to be good people in general no matter what. But everyone reacts differently and according to their own personal ethics , no one needs a religion of rules on how to behave ...


A curse is a spell intended to bring misfortune, illness, harm or death to a victim. Curses are the most dreaded form of magic, as curses are universal. They are “laid” or “thrown” primarily for reven...


A curse that is the product of envy, revenge and anger. In earlier times, people commonly blamed their misfortune on the ill-wishing of others. If two people argued and then one suffered a mishap, bec...


Hematite is a stone of strength, power, and potency. Hematite is powerfully magnetic. This stone when ground, crushed or sliced is actually red, and in places where it’s highly concentrated, there’s a...

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz Crystal is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It augments energy by absorbing, amplifying, balancing, storing, retrieving, focusing, transmitting, and channeling universal energy...

Crystals to help with Physical Issues

ABDOMEN -gamet, agate, smoky quartzABSENT – MINDEDNESS – carnelianACHES – agate , charoiteACNE – amethystADDICTIONS – amethyst, fluorite, labradorite, lepidolite, quartz, ruby, tourmalineADD – ADHD – ...


Selenite, satin spar, desert rose, gypsum flower are crystal habit varieties of the mineral gypsum. All varieties of gypsum, including selenite and alabaster, are composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate...

Why crystals work

Clear Quartz has been on Earth since the beginning of time and ancient civilizations have used crystals as protective talismans, peace offerings, and jewelry. Today, quartz makes up 12% of the Earth’s...

Cleansing and Charging Crystals

It is important to keep your crystals in good condition for magick practice. Here is a guide with several ways to cleanse and charge your crystals. With Salt ~Burying a crystal in a bowl of salt, spri...


COLOR Purple to lavender APPEARANCE Transparent. pointed crystals. Maybe geode, cluster. or single point. All sizes RARITY One of the most common crystals SOURCE United States, Britain, Canada, Brazil...


COLOR Green, orange, brown, blue, blue-green, cream, lavender, red, white APPEARANCE Translucent (Jadeite) or creamy (Nephrite), somewhat soapy feel. All sizes RARITY Most colors are available but som...

Crystal’s for Emotional Issues

ABUSE – carnelian, lapis lazuli, obsidian, peridot, tourmalineACCEPTANCE – amethyst, carnelian, quartz crystal, rose quartzAGGRESSION – amethyst, bloodstone, rose quartzANGER – amethyst, agate, bloods...

Witches Crystals, Stones, Herbs, and Oils

Perhaps some of the most powerful magical tools are those that come straight from the Earth without much, if any, alteration by human hands. Herbs and semiprecious gemstones have long been known to ha...


Folk Names: Red Agate, Blood Agate Planet: Mercury Element: various Deity: Aesculapius Powers: Strength, Courage, Longevity, Gardening, Love, Healing, Protection Magical Uses: In general, agate is uti...

Crystals to help with Spiritual Issues

ABUNDANCE – aventurine, citrine, malachite, rubyAFFIRMATION – quartz crystalAKASHIC RECORD – lepidolite, moldaviteALTRUISM – amberAMPLIFIER – rhodochrosite, quartz crystalANGELS – angel aura, aquamari...

Crystal Ball Scrying

Genuine crystal balls are very expensive, and the best source for them isGermany, where they’ve mined and polished clear crystal for centuries. Less costlyoptions include polished stones or balls made...


Colour.Blue. Appearance.Mottled dark and light blue-white, often tumbled. Rarity.Easily obtained. Source.North America, France, Brazil, Greenland, Russia, Myanmar, Romania. Sodalite unites logic with ...


Colour.Olive green, yellowish-green, honey, red, brownish. Appearance.Opaque. Clear crystal when faceted and polished.Usually quite small. Rarety.Easily obtained but good crystals are rare. Source.Uni...


Opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica (SiO2·nH2O); its water content may range from 3 to 21% by weight, but is usually between 6 and 10%. Because of its amorphous character, it is classed as a m...


Bloodstone A semiprecious stone with magical or healing properties. Perhaps the best known is green jasper with red flecks, used in rituals and charms by sorcerers and witches. It is considered an ena...


A stone of prosperityIt reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Encourages perseverance. Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses. It stabilizes one’...

Petrified Wood

Good fortune – Stability – Security – Strength – Longevity – Grounding – Calmness – Wisdom Zodiac – Leo Typical colours – Browns Petrified Wood is also known as “Agatised Wood”. It is the name given t...

Nuumite The Earth’s Ancient Stone

Nuumite or Nuumit is a powerful grounding stone with a high-vibration that connects us to universal source energy. Nuumite allows us to transmute our karmic patterns to ascend to a higher state of bei...

Amethyst by the Door

Place amethyst near your door, or use something decorative with a bit of amethyst on it. Hanging an amethyst ring or cluster on a wreath or similar seasonal item makes your home more festive and helps...


Colour.Green. Appearance.Small bright gemstone or larger cloudy crystal. Rarity.Gem quality is expensive but unpolished emerald readily available. Sources.India, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Brazil, Egypt, Aus...

Witches Stones Jewels & Crystals

Magickally, jewels and gems are associated with spiritual truths due to their innate talismanic attributes. Like all-natural substances, gemstones contain an energy or life force of their own. The col...


Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminum silicate ((Na,K)AlSi3O8) of the feldspar group that displays a pearly and opalescent schiller. An alternative name is hectolitre. Etymology Its name is derived...

The Crone

“Women get more beautiful as they grow older. Not less.Female youth is only prized in modern culture because it doesn’t represent as much of a threat spiritually to anyone who is frightened of divine ...

Black in Magick

The color black is classy, mysterious, sophisticated, seductive, and secretive. It’s protective, absorbing negative energies and creating a barrier from emotional stressors of the outside world. It pr...

Silver Magick

Silver is a color that both illuminates and reflects. Use it today to help you reflect on an issue or let it illuminate your way … perhaps down a new path; it is the beginning of a new week after all....

Purple Magick

Purple is associated with spiritual power and psychic protection. It also relates to introspection and imagination; it encourages deep thoughts and helps to fulfill aspirations. It is the color of mag...

Protection Charm

For this you will need a pentagram pendant and a bowl of salt water. Holding the pendant in your left hand and the bowl of salt water in your right, turn to the West. Slowly pour the water over the pe...

Blessing Charm for Infant

Items you will need: Bay Leaves1 Gold CandleRed ThreadA Muslin bag or any natural fabric made into a little sack At the top of the bag sew 3 little X’s with the Red thread. This Blessing should be don...


You will need:3 Onions with leaves attached3 Garlic bulbs with leaves attachedHang this in the kitchen to protect your family from interference by evilspirits; replace it annually. Braid the garlic an...

Yellow Rose Charm

Dab a small amount of your favourite perfume or cologne on a tissue. Take a long-stem yellow rose, and with great feeling and emotion, charm it with the following verse: The stars above, in darkness s...

Marriage Charm

Bind two small gold rings together with a white ribbon. Hold the bound rings in both hands as you chant the following over them: With body and spiritAs these rings entwineUnite our soulsOur essence co...

Calling the Powers

All ye powers allAnswer unto this my call Power of earth and power of fire Hearken unto my desire Power of water and power of air Answer unto this my prayer All ye powers powers all Answer unto this m...

In the Praise of Isis

Children of the Goddess Dance in the praise of IsisChildren of the Goddess Sing in the praise of Isis Isis, Isis, love that knows no end Mother goddess, sister, lover, friend

Cleansing Chants

The following cleansing chants are patterned on rhymes taught to Laurelei in her first cuveen, although they have been altered a bit (in some cases, quite a bit). Each portion of the chant requires a ...

Magick Chanting

In ritual, the repetition of sacred or magical words, names and phrases to alter consciousness and raise psychic power. Chanting, done in conjunction with dancing, drumming, visualization and body mov...

Celtic Six Cord Handfasting Ritual

Know that before you go further since your lives have crossed in this life, you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter into this state of matrimony, you should strive to make real t...

The Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celtic Tree Calendar is a controversial subject. It is a calendar which contains 13 lunar divisions (or months), each one associated with and ruled over by a specific tree. Each tree has a Celtic ...

Celtic Herb Lore

Celtic Herbs: Anemone Latin: Anemone Pulsatilla Scottish Gaelic: Bainne Bo Bliatain Other Names: Wood Crowfoot, Smell Fox, Flawflower, Passover Flower Medicinal Uses: Effective against disorders of th...

Circle Casting

It’s helpful when casting a spell to create ritual space, and casting a circle is one way to do so. Not only does this ward off distracting energies, it helps to move the practitioner to a ritual stat...

Casting Spells Using Planetary Hours Magical Timing

Not every Witch worries about magical timing, but many feel that it gives a boostof energy that is conducive to your efforts.Another way to plan your magical timing is by planetary hours. Planetary ho...

Why we cast Circles

They say that the longest journey begins with a single step. So, too, the exploration of Magickal studies begins with a single step. Though the first step in a physical journey is often self-evident, ...

Casting A Dual Circle

First consecrate the salt symbolizing the Earth element in the North of the altar by stirring it three times with an athame, wand or crystal, and visualize radiance pouring into it. * Stir the water, ...

Casting A Triple Circle

Three is a sacred number in magick and for special ceremonies, you can create a triple circle of both power and protection. The number three represents the three aspects of the god figure in many reli...

Un Casting A Circle

When you have completed your spells or rituals, you should close the circle. This is done by simply reversing the casting process. * Thank the Guardians and send the light of the elemental candles to ...

Casting a Circle

Here is how to cast and take down a magic circle.What to Do:

Suggestions for Candle Magick

Whenever possible make your own candles. While the wax is in a liquid form, add a corresponding oil, herbs, or flower petals. For example, if you are doing a money spell you could add Heliotrope oil a...

Ingredients for Candle Making

Beeswax The most common types of wax used in candle making are beeswax, paraffin wax, and dip-and-carve wax. Beeswax is an all natural wax with a sweet aroma. It is preferred because it adds softness ...

Elemental Candle Colours

Each of the four elements – Air, Fire, Water and Earth – is represented by a single candle colour – yellow, red, blue and green. A coloured candle representing each of the elements can be placed at th...

Candle Gardens

At times witches may receive a lot of requests for help. These requests may come from, people who are ill,  or grieving,  or maybe need healing, they could be lonely, possibly victimized, or...

Candle of Love Spell

length of red silk cord, Love-drawing oil. Love-drawing incense One red candle that will burn for at least seven hours. Begin this spell on a Monday during the waxing moon. Place the red candle in the...

Candle Colour Correspondences

Colour is of great significance, both in healing and magick. Colour symbolism is used frequently with candles, as well as with crystals, flowers, foods and coloured water. These uses are a way of focu...

Green Candle

Green is for Earth and the North, midnight and winter. A green candle is placed at what would be the 12 o’clock position on a clock, aligned with magnetic or a symbolic North. Earth is the element of ...

The History of Candles

The history of candle burning is as old as humanity itself. It originates from fire worship. Early man was in awe of fire—it warmed him, protected him, and helped him cook his food. The flame of the h...

Witches Candles

Witches’ candles can be used as a source of light, as devotional symbols of deity, as a means of communicating with Spirit, and to aid transformation in many spells. Candles have a magical way about t...

Empowering a Candle

Choose a candle with the colour according to the Spell you wish to cast. It does not matter what size candle you use as long as its A fresh candle that has never been used before. Hold the candle in y...

Red Candle

Red is for Fire and the South, noon, and summer. Place your red candle in the six o’clock position. Fire represents light, the Sun, lightning, fertility, power, joy, ambition, inspiration, and achieve...

Zodiacal Candle Colours And Associations

Aries, the Ram: 21 March to 20 April. Colour: red. A cardinal Fire sign, for all matters of the self and of identity, for rituals of innovation, courage assertiveness and action. Ruled by Mars. Taurus...

An Introduction to Candle Magick

Although tools of the craft may at times help you can practice magick with nothing but a candle. A candle is a self-contained magical system, for although it represents the Fire element, it also conta...

Colour Correspondents of Candles

When it comes to colours, you may wish to have a variety on hand for different purposes. Typically, colour correspondences for candle magic are as follows: White: A balance of all colours; Spirit...

Candle Colours and their Meaning

Here are the most common candle colors and their suggested uses: White. The color of purity and new beginnings. Use a white candle for rituals involving healing, new beginnings, and spiritual growth. ...

Blue Candles

Blue is for Water and the West, dusk, and autumn. A blue candle is placed in the nine o’clock position. Water represents love, relationships, sympathy, intuition, reconciliation, harmony, healing, and...

Zodiacal Candles

Candles etched with zodiacal signs may be used to represent people born during a particular Sun period. They may then be burnt in rituals for different purposes. For instance, you can burn your own zo...

Making Dipped Candles

This recipe makes six 10 x three-quarter inch tapers. You will need • 4 pounds of bees wax.• Three 24-inch lengths of flat-braided 2/0 wick• A drying rack. You can make a drying rack by hammering pair...

Hedge Witches Candle Spell

Take a candle of an appropriate colour to use in your work. As a very basic guide, red is for love and passion, pink for emotions, blue for healing, green for the environment, brown for animals, yello...

Pillar Candle

Pillar candles are tall, wide, and generally round.  They last a long time, so they are excellent for ongoing spells. The way that pillar candles burn varies according to shape, content, and manu...

Candle Ritual for Sorrow or Loss

Here is a Black And White Candle Ritual ritual for a new beginning after sorrow or loss. You can carry out this ritual for yourself or someone you know who is grieving or unhappy after a betrayal of s...

Candle Making Equipment

Double Boiler Using a double boiler will help to keep your wax from reaching too high of temperatures. After use you can clean the top of the double boiler by wiping it with a dry dishtowel before the...

Yellow Candle

Yellow is for Air and the East, dawn, and spring. A yellow candle is placed at the three o’clock position. Air represents life itself, logic, the mind, communication, health, new beginnings, travel, l...

Preparation for Candle Magick

Remember the most important thing is what phase the moon is in. If it is waning, you want to work on something that you do not want anymore or some kind of psychic work. It is a great time for banishm...

Art of Candle Magick

A lot of witches burn candles just about every night. They burn a candle in honor of the Goddess. Just burning a candle, too, puts you in the right frame of mind. Some witches, even if they are burnin...

Book of Shadows

Whether you are working alone or in a coven, you might like to start a Book of Shadows. A Book of shadows may include a record of rituals that have worked well, names of those who need healing, as wel...


Grimoires are Handbooks of magic, some reputedly dating back to ancient sources, popular from the 17th to early 19th centuries. Grimoires still are consulted by students of ceremonial magic in modern ...

Reflective Banishing

You Will Need: A small mirror (craft mirrors with unfinished backs are best) Something to write with (sharpies or oil pencils work well) This is a very simple sort of banishing designed to reflect neg...

Thieves Vinegar

This banishing concoction gets its name from a folktale that tells of four thieves who, during the height of the Black Plague, would steal into peoples homes and rob them in the night. Instead of catc...

Banishing Techniques

Best done at a waning or new moon – used to get rid of negative energies or spirits Tools needed: Athame, Broomstick, Candles, Cords, Gobi Dirt, Incense, Mirrors, Spells, Salt, Sistrum, Wand, Water, X...

Autumn Equinox Rites and Rituals for a Hedgewitch

Another liminal time, where darkness and light are equal, this is the perfect opportunity to take stock of what you have harvested from yourefforts, and what still needs to be achieved before Samhain ...

Aura Meditation / Healing

Aura meditation develops your awareness of energy. As you progress, you can gain deeper self-awareness, release major personal blocks, and connect with higher spiritual dimensions. Aura meditation wor...


Color Meanings There is a common misunderstanding that your energy field is only one particular color. But the many parts of your energy system can change colors often. Find out about the different au...

Angelica Tea

The angelica plant is one of the most highly regarded herbs. Steeped in legend and valued for its many medicinal properties, angelica has been used for the past 2,000 years. Many magickal claims for t...

Crafting Ritual/Ceremonial Candles

Crafting Ritual/Ceremonial Candles Ritual Candles are a form of symbolism used within the circle while summoning the elements and guardians therein. Each is created with the symbols of a specific elem...

Ritual Soap Spheres

Using a very sharp, thick-bladed knife, cut a four-ounce bar of castile soap into very small pieces no larger than 1/4 inch square-the smaller (as long as they are cubes) the better. Place these in a ...

The Magick of Incense ~ Using Scents for Pagan Rituals

The various properties of incense and it’s importance in Pagan spiritual work. Throughout the long history of Pagan spirituality, incense has been used as a valuable tool in ritual work. Incense...

Dream Pillow for Protection

1 part Rosemary 1 part Lavendar Petals 1 part Rose Petals, red, pink or white 1 part Catnip 2 drops lemon oil 1 part Lemon Basil 1 part Violet Petals 1 part Sweet Grass Ashes from 3 sticks of Lavendar...