Solitary Magick

Basil in Magick

Basil: Type: Herb Ruling Planet: Mars Ruling Element: Fire Parts used: leaves (fresh or dried) Magickal Properties: Protection, love, money. Specific Magick: Add to a spell bag to bring in money. Basi...

Mars in Magick

Mars Powers: Strength, Struggle, War, Anger, Conflict, Aggression, Victory, Energy, Ambition, Goals, Upheaval, Strife, Arguments, Courage, Politics, Sexual energy, Exorcism, Protection, Defensive magi...


Rose rosa species PARTS USED Flowers, petals, leaves GENDER: Feminine ELEMENTS: Fire and Water PLANETS: Mars and Venus POWERS Healing Love Love Divination Luck Protection Psychic Powers Ultimate Love ...

The Magick of Ash

Gender: Masculine; Planet: Sun; Element: Fire Sacred to Uranus, Poseidon, Thor, Woden, Neptune, Mars, Gwydion Magickal Powers: Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health The ancient Teutons regarded ...

Fox Glove

“The plant has been particularly associated with midwifery and women’s magick” The foxgloves are back. “In Roman times, foxglove was a flower sacred to the goddess Flora, who t...

Astrology Basics

There are twelve sun signs in the Zodiac: ARIES – The Ram. Energy, love of action and perseverance. Impetuous, yearning to lead and conquest. Element is Fire and Ruled by Mars. Loyal and Quick tempere...

As Above So Below

Heaven above, heaven below; stars above, stars below; All that is above, thus also below; understand this and be blessed —Prodromus Coptus Sive Aegyptiacus by Athanasius Kircher (1636) One of the best...

The Signs

The 12 Signs of the zodiac are not the constellations. The Signs are 30° segments that mark the journey of the Sun through the changes of the Wheel of the Year. The two solstices and the two equinoxes...

The Planets

Before delving into the Planets, I’d like to point out that although the names of the Planets are also the names of Gods and Goddesses, it is an error to limit your understanding of the Planets by giv...

Astrology The Sun

The glyph of the Sun is a circle with a point in the center. Both the circle and the point represent different kinds of infinity. The point is at the same time dimensionless and contains infinite dime...

Astrology The moon

Whereas a circle represents spirit, the semicircle represents soul in the pictographic code of the astrological glyphs. The Moon’s glyph is the vessel of the soul, both for its development and its jou...


Astrology, the study of the influence of the stars and planets upon life on this earth, is another of the fundamentals of magic. It is studied by witches and magicians alike. In the past, it was as im...

The Way of Art

Although Astrology is a sacred science and as such is a mental undertaking with many rules and procedures, it is also an art requiring the intuition and the way of beauty to reveal its richness. It is...

Astrology Mercury

The glyph of Mercury consists of the circle that represents Spirit, the semicircle that represents the Soul, and the cross that represents Matter. Soul is above, Spirit is in the middle, and Matter is...

The Houses and the Ascendant

When you take the light of the Planets as mediated by the Signs and project them onto a precise time and in particular place, they fall into the Houses. The way we normally measure time is through hou...

The Astral Plane, Part One

Belief in the astral plane is part of the common heritage of occult philosophy which is shared by the witch and ceremonial magician alike. The word ‘astral’ is derived from the Latin Astrum, a star. I...

The Astral Plane, Part Two

The astral plane and its related phenomena constitute such a vast subject that whole books could be and have been written about it. Any brief sketch such as this must necessarily omit many interesting...

Astral Projection

Make a conscious effort to go completely limp. Begin with your feet and, working upwards, relax all of the muscles in your body. This should take about four or five minutes. While in this relaxed stat...

Mindfulness Oil Blend

This helps you focus on the immediate moment instead of getting your head stuck in the past or worrying about the future. Makes 1 ounce. What You Need: ♦ 1 tablespoon carrier oil♦ 10 dro...

Aromatherapy for Prosperity

Pure Essential Oils have been used in aromatherapy for thousands of years to attract riches and wealth for body, mind, spirit and emotions. The traditional use of aromatic oils to attract prosperity i...

Essential Oils / The Use of

For good smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying. Add 5 drops essential o...

The healing power of Tea Tree Oil

Despite its name, tea tree oil has nothing in common with Camellia sinensis, the plant from which tea is prepared, nor with tea oil, obtained from the pressed seeds of the mentioned tea plant. This oi...

Aromatherapy Blends for Self-Care

There are a variety of ways to incorporate aromatherapy into your self-care. The quickest and easiest way is to directly apply a dot of the blended oil onto your inner wrist so that the scent and any ...

Gentle Sleep Oil

Place a dot of this blend on each temple and underside of the wrist before bed, or dab a bit on the edge of your bed near your pillow. Makes about 1 ounce. What You Need: 1 tablespoon carrier oil10 dr...

Ritual Oil Blends

ANOINTING OIL 5 drops Sandalwood Oil 3 drops Cedarwood Oil 1 drop Sweet Orange Oil 1 drop Lemon Oil 1/8 cup base Oil Use for general anointing purposes. ALTAR OIL 4 drops Frankincense Oil 2 drops Myrr...

Introduction to Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been around and has been practiced in one form or another since the beginning of civilization. It is the art, and science, of using oils extracted from aromatic plants to enhance heal...


As a way to control stress and uplift mood, aromatherapy is a terrific tool in your self-care arsenal. Spellcraft often pulls aromatherapy in as a secondary element; the primary use of oils and herbs ...

Oils and Incenses in Magick

Oils and incenses, like herbs, are very versatile. The easiest way of attracting all the good things you want not only for yourself but also for those you love and for those in need is to burn oils an...

A Short list of Magickal Oils

Benzoin: Benzoin reduces tension, stress, and melts away tension, anger, resentment, emotional pain, and frustrations. Positively, benzoin increases self-confidence and attracts prosperity, both mater...


Symbols of light and goodness, cocks have been favored birds of sacrifice to the gods. The cock is sacred and is associated with sun deities; it has the power to banish evil. The cock is a bird of ome...


Cats have been associated with the supernatural since ancient times. Cats are associated with either good or bad luck, healing or harm. In folklore, the cat is one of the favored animal companions of ...

Riding the Dragon

Many Traditional Crafters have an interesting relationship with dragons. Some see them as archetypes, some as being similar to the Gods, and some see them as living mythical beasts, in a very literal ...

Animal Kinship

It has long been believed that humans have a kinship with animals, and that this kinship allows us to draw on their special qualities. When choosing an animal as a totem (a hereditary badge or emblem ...

The Magick of Animals

The following animals all have magickal qualities that can be harnessed in times of need. Choose an animal to work with that best represents a personality characteristic you would like to develop or i...

Black Cat Protection Spell

A good spell to ward off the evil intentions of another, block a psychic attack, or turn your luck around. Items needed: One black cat candle, Black cat oil (composed of patchouli and frankincense), A...

The Dragon in Magick

The dragon is a fantastic beast that appears in almost every mythological tradition throughout the world. Often depicted as a mix of several different creatures, it represents the four elements of lif...

Cats as Witches Familiars

The cat, especially the black cat, is a creature of witchcraft, in all popular belief. No artist’s conception of a witch’s cottage of the olden time could possibly be complete without Baudrons or Grim...


In folklore, a witch’s familiar or a witch metamorphosed in disguise. It is still bad luck in the British Isles for one’s path to be crossed by a hare. Witches were said to be able to change themselve...

A Ritual With Seven Angels

This would be a suitable ritual for welcoming a new baby or child into a family whether in birth, by adoption or through the joining of two existing families. It may also be used for sending a teenage...

Archangels and their Seven Days of the Week

Michael Michael is the archangel who rules the Sun. Michael’s day is Sunday. Michael, the Initiator, brings illumination and inspiration in many spheres of life, through the efforts of our individual ...

Angelic Correspondences

You can, if you wish, use angelic rulers instead of planetary ones for the magical hours, or combine the energies of both. In practice, if your magick has a spiritual focus or is concerned with healin...

A Ritual to meet your Guardian Angel

Spirit work in the hoodoo and conjure tradition often involves enlisting the psychic aid of discarnate entities in order to accomplish specific prayerful, spiritual, or spell-casting goals. Spirit Wor...

Different classes of angels

There are many different classes of angels, and they can vary from the merciful Healing Angels to the daunting Angels of Judgment, and the fierce Reapers. An angel can be a pacifist or a bloodthirsty ...

Planets and Angels

Different days of the week and hours of the day and night are associated with specific energies and each particular time is ruled by a planet and an archangel. Though these were primarily centred on c...


The cimaruta, or cima di ruta, is an unusual and beautiful amulet, pertaining to Italian witch lore. A fine example of the cimaruta is reproduced as an illustration in this book. The name of this amul...


The Cross, is one of the oldest amulets in the world, predating Christianity by many centuries. In the commonest form of a cross, all four arms are of equal length, rather than in a T-shape. Crosses h...


The Egyptian symbol of life, regeneration, the universe and immortality, the ankh, which means “life” and “hand mirror,” is a tau, or looped cross. Witches and Pagans wear it as an amulet against nega...

The History of Amulets

Amulets are Objects imbued with magical properties that protect against bad luck, illness and evil. Amulets are universal and are answers to age old needs, such as, to be healthy, to be virile and fer...


An amulet is an object that has been left in its virgin state and has been psychically charged with a specific purpose in mind. Amulets are passive in their abilities to communicate energy patterns. O...

Amulets Descriptions

Ankh The ankh symbol stands for, everlasting life and regeneration. The ankh amulet works best when, made from wood, metal, or faience. The ankh helps its wearer live life to the fullest degree and is...

All-Purpose Healing Amulet

Items Needed. Garlic. Eucalyptus. Cinnamon. Sage. Method Lay the pouch on a hard surface and smooth out all the wrinkles. Using the red cloth paint or marker, draw the following “healing symbol” on th...

A Feather for Your Altar

Some representation of air, commonly something scented like incense, essential oils, or smudges, or else a flying bird’s feather goes in the East, to represent Air. Sacred scents are used to cleanse a...

Pagan Witches Altar

An Altar is an Elevated place where ceremonies are conducted and where offerings are made to a deity or deities. The altar has ancient associations with the Goddess and Mother Earth, who rule the whee...

Ancestor Altars

The Samhain season is a wonderful time to create an ancestor altar in your home. This can be a permanent dedicated space to honor your Beloved Dead year-round, or a temporary set-up for use during Sam...

Magical Ways, The Altar

In basics, an altar is known as a  spell table or a magical work table. A great deal of magic does not need the presence of an altar, however certain rites and rituals may be further empowered wi...

Basic Tools for an Altar

First of all, it is important to remember that tools, herbs, candles, crystals and so on are not actually necessary to work magic. Your own energy and the power of your mind, as well as the blessings ...

Basic Materials for an Altar

Altar Cloths. A variety of coverings, can be used for the Altar, depending upon the ritual and the season. Attractively patterned sarongs, are sometimes used for this purpose. Beverages. A variety of ...

Kitchen Altar

Kitchen witches spend much of their time in the kitchen, combining magic and cooking to create sacred food, spells and herbal remedies. The kitchen is therefore an ideal place to set up an altar, both...

Tips on using your Altar

To set up an altar, you will need some kind of large flat surface. A table or a cupboard will do. You can use the drawers for storage and cover it with a cloth. It does not really matter what shape th...

Tips for buying products for your Altar

You can often buy tools and supplies for your altar inexpensively at witchy conventions or on the internet. However, ordinary, non-witchy shops can also be good places to look. For example, for an ath...

Witches Altar

An altar is a sacred place where tools are placed during a Witches’ ritual and magic. Traditionally, the altar stands in the center of the circle of energy raised by the participant(s) in the ritual. ...

Outdoor Witches Altar

Place a small element altar (make sure to use weatherproof items) outside; A bowl to collect rainwater for the birds, A chime to catch the breeze, A bird feeder and a candle to light in the evenings. ...

Empowering Your Altar

You can empower your altar, as a reflection of the positive aspects, of your changing life, by placing on it other small items, that carry happy memories for you. These might include, stones, or shell...

Creating an Altar to Yourself

You may be uncomfortable with the idea of worshipping yourself or not feel you’re worth worshipping. That should change! Everyone has a spark of the Divine inside them. That is worth honoring. You are...

lammas: Setting Up Your Lammas (Lughnasadh) Altar

It’s Lammas, or Lughnasadh, the Sabbat where many Pagans choose to celebrate the beginnings of the harvest. This Sabbat is about the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth—the grain god dies, bu...

Solitary Pagan Witches: How to Create an Altar for Your Practice

Solitary Pagan Witches often have a special place in their homes, known as an altar, where they can connect with their spirituality and perform rituals. The altar is a sacred space that is used for me...

AIR MAGICK, Knot the Wind

Items Needed. Three-strand of blue cord. A Compass. The calling or raising of the wind is can be seen as a very outdated magickal process, initially used when the wind was vital for cruising. Witches ...

Air Incense and Fragrance

A listing of some of the incenses and fragrances associated with the element of air Ambergris (love, lust) Wear ambergris to attract love. Mix Ambergris with a small amount of vanilla, burn on the nig...

The Elements of Wind, Its Powers, & Color

North Wind: is the color of pitch black. The north wind is known to help in cleansing the negative energies that would get in your aura and or thoughts in the mind. Good for any cleansing spell in ret...

Working with Feathers

At times when working your craft with the element of air, bird may come into your mind. After all, they spend most of their lives in the air. They often “gift” us with feathers and these feathers can ...

Alex Sanders

witch hunts

Eleanor Bone

Helen Duncan


Abramelin the Mage 

The Book of Abramelin tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abraham, or Abra-Melin, who taught a system of magic to Abraham of Worms, a Jew in Worms, Germany, presumed to have lived from c. 1362–c...

black magic

Aleister Crowley 

Margaret Murray

Margot Alder

Faery Tradition

Sybil Leek

pagan candles

book of shadows

Pagan Blessing

Drinking Horn


Magick: The Basis of Power

The basis of magic is power. Though magicians have used it for thousands of years, we still don’t know exactly what “power” is. But we do know how to work with it. Magic is the movement of natural but...

Smudging Herbs and their Properties

Smudging Herbs will drive out negative energies, spirits and influences. Use this as a smudge to purify people and places before any sacred ceremony. There are many varieties of sage, and most have be...

Spiritual Forgiveness

It could be an idea, that for those who are at the beginning of a spiritual path,  the first step is not to attempt to be of service to others. It may be better, to first take the steps, to know and l...

The Basics of HedgeWitchery

Always connect to Spirit first. By Spirit, I mean that which you believe runs the universe. Some call it the source, others God or Goddess, or both, or neither, or whatever, or lots of names with part...

Kitchen Witch: Yule

Yule—the winter solstice—is an old solar ritual that has been preserved in the Christian observance of Christmas. Its origins lie deep in the past, in the Mediterranean lands of the sun. The birthday ...


(Galium aparine) GGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: FirePowers: Relationships, Commitment,Protection, TenacityMagical Uses: Cleavers cling, or cleave, tofabrics. This can be used in binding spell...

Plants and Mythology

The magical plant or herb of immortality sought by Gilgamesh, the hero of ancient Mesopotamian mythology, provides one example of how myths use plants as symbols of life and of the healing p...

The Labyrinth

In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth (Greek labyrinthos) was an elaborate structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the...

A Life with Natural Magick

The natural world is a powerhouse of magickal energy that can be used to amplify our own personal psychic powers and daily lives even if we do not have the time or inclination for a spell. Well, all p...

Kitchen Witch: Artichoke

(Cynara scolymus) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Greek legend states that the first artichoke was originally a beautiful woman. Some angry god (frankly, I don’t know which) was ...

Food Magick: The Oven

The oven is another symbol of the divine. It encloses, performs a transformative process (cooking), and is warm and bright. Humans have used many types of ovens, from the mud-brick ovens of the Middle...


Even though the Moon simply exudes magic and seemingly saturates our liveswith it whether we want Her to or not, there are approximately twelve timesevery month when She is positively incapacitated. I...


There’s more to the Moon than meets the eye, especially when it comes tomagical operations. There are only twelve months in the calendar year. However,the Moon cycles thirteen times during that period...


The Full Moon is ruled by the Mother Goddess, and contrary to popular belief,Her energy isn’t necessarily just a one-day affair. In fact, many practitionersconsider it to be full (and use its energy a...


Belonging to the Light Maiden, the Waxing phase occurs when the Moon growsin the sky from new to full, and it’s during this period that She gains power. Thatmeans it’s a good time to perform any effor...


The Dark or New Moon is frequently the subject of heated debate amongmagical practitioners. So much so, in fact, that there are only three things thatpractitioners seem to agree upon when it comes to ...


While these discoveries definitely did much to increase crop and animal yields something that the early peoples relied upon for survival-the Moon was justbeginning to reveal Her mysteries, and it wasn...


Even though we usually associate the Full Moon with magic, it’s not the onlyphase that tugs at our emotions. The waxing, waning, and dark phases also comeinto play. In fact, each phase exudes a partic...


While the Moon definitely affects the emotions, there’s another area that Sheimpacts just as strongly, and that, of course, is the psyche. I never realized justhow true this was until an uncomfo...


Materials1 white candle1 small piece of hematiteNagchampa, sandalwood, or dragon’s blood incenseBegin by lighting the incense and the candle, then pick up the stone and hold itin your dominant hand. S...


Anything surrounded by centuries of mystery and superstition takes on a verymagical quality, and such is certainly the case with the Moon. But has Shealways been considered a source of enchantment? Mo...


Anything of power, especially something with a mysterious power that we don’tfully understand, is bound to be surrounded by superstition. And the Moon iscertainly no exception. In fact, the Moon is pr...

The Moon and Feminine Mysteries

As mysterious as all of this must have seemed to the ancient people, one thingdefinitely topped the list as extraordinary, and this was, of course, the directconnection between the monthly menstrual c...


While these discoveries definitely did much to increase crop and animal yields something that the early peoples relied upon for survival-the Moon was justbeginning to reveal Her mysteries, and it wasn...

Thelma Lee Aleister Crowley: The Mysterious Woman Behind the Infamous Occultist

Thelma Lee was a fascinating figure in the world of occultism, known for her association with the infamous Aleister Crowley. Born in 1902 in Stockwell, London, she was the daughter of a wealthy busine...

Thelma Lees Magic: Unveiling the Secrets of a Renowned Magician

Thelma Lees is a renowned magician who has been performing for over two decades. She has wowed audiences with her unique blend of illusion, comedy, and storytelling. Her shows are a testament to her s...

Thelma Magick: Unleashing the Power of Positive Thinking

Thelma Magic is a term that refers to the art of creating illusions and performing magic tricks using everyday objects. It is a type of close-up magic, which means that it is performed in front of a s...

The Golden Dawn: A Brief History of the Secret Society

The Golden Dawn is a secret society that emerged in the late 19th century in England. It was founded by three individuals, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Ma...

Rosaleen Norton: The Life and Art of Australia’s Infamous Witch

Rosaleen Norton was an Australian artist and occultist who gained notoriety in the 1950s for her controversial and provocative artwork. Born in 1917 in Dunedin, New Zealand, Norton moved to Sydney, Au...

Rebecca Nurse Salem: The Tragic Fate of an Innocent Woman

Rebecca Nurse is a prominent figure in the history of the Salem Witch Trials. She was born in 1621 in Great Yarmouth, England, and later immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony with her family in 1...

Malin Matsdotter: Who Was She and Why Was She Important?

Malin Matsdotter was a woman who lived in Sweden during the 17th century. She is known for her involvement in a high-profile court case that attracted attention throughout the country. The case centre...

The Witch of Endor: Biblical Account and Historical Context

The Witch of Endor is a biblical figure from the Old Testament. She is mentioned in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 28, and is known for her role in summoning the spirit of the deceased prophet Samu...

Robert Cochrane Witch: The Life and Legacy of a Pivotal Figure in Modern Witchcraft

Robert Cochrane was a significant figure in the revival of witchcraft in Britain during the 1950s and 60s. He was born in 1931 and grew up in London. Cochrane was a practitioner of traditional witchcr...

Patricia Crowther: A Brief Biography

Patricia Crowther is a well-known name in the world of Wicca and witchcraft. She is a British author and practitioner of the craft who has been active since the 1960s. Crowther is widely recognised as...

Elizabeth Cogan Holley Kendall: Executed in the Salem Witch Trials of 1590-1643

Elizabeth Cogan Holley Kendall was one of the many victims of the infamous Salem witch trials that took place in Massachusetts in 1692. She was born in 1590 and was executed in 1643, accused of witchc...

Origins of the Wheel of the Year: A Brief History of the Pagan Calendar

The Wheel of the Year is a term used to describe the eight festivals celebrated by many modern Pagans. These festivals mark the changing seasons and the cycles of nature. While the Wheel of the Year i...

Solitary Pagans: Understanding the Witches Wheel of the Year

Solitary Pagan witches are practitioners of witchcraft who choose to work alone, rather than as part of a coven or group. One of the most important aspects of their practice is the Wheel of the Year, ...

Solitary Pagan Witches: Celebrating the Solstices Alone

Solitary pagan witches celebrate the solstices as an important part of their spiritual practice. These witches follow a path that is individualistic and self-directed, and they often find solace and c...

What is a Chaos Witch? Exploring the Practice and Beliefs of Chaos Magick

A Chaos Witch is a practitioner of witchcraft who embraces chaos magic as their main practice. Chaos magic is a form of magic that emerged in the 20th century and is characterised by its emphasis on p...

Beltane Recipes,Cheese: Traditional Foods for Celebrating the May Day Festival

Beltane is a traditional Celtic festival that marks the beginning of summer. It is celebrated on May 1st and is known for its joyous and festive atmosphere. One of the key aspects of Beltane is the ab...

The Beltane Kitchen Witch: How to Celebrate the Sabbat with Magical Recipes

Beltane is a traditional Gaelic festival that celebrates the beginning of summer. It is typically celebrated on May 1st and is often associated with fertility, growth, and renewal. Beltane is also a t...

Beltane Origins: Understanding the History and Significance of the May Day Festival

Beltane is a festival that marks the beginning of summer and is celebrated on May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere. The origins of Beltane can be traced back to the ancient Celts who lived in what is no...

Beltane Solitary Pagan Witch: Celebrating the May Day Festival Alone

Beltane is a significant festival celebrated by Pagans around the world. It is a time of fertility, fire, and new beginnings. While many Pagans celebrate Beltane in groups, there are also those who ch...

Harnessing the Power of the Sun in Witchcraft Practice

Witches Sun Magick is an ancient practice dating back to prehistoric times. It is a form of magick that is performed during the daytime, specifically when the sun is at its peak. This type of magick i...

Sun Magick A Description

Witches Sun Magick is a form of magick that is performed during the daytime hours when the sun is shining. It is a type of solar magick that is associated with the masculine energy of the sun. This ma...

Sun Magick Spell: The Basics

Witches Sun Magick is a practice that involves harnessing the energy of the sun to cast spells. The sun is a powerful source of energy that can be used to manifest positive changes in one’s life...

The Sun Tarot: Meaning, Symbolism and Interpretation

The Sun Tarot is one of the most popular and iconic cards in the tarot deck. It is often associated with positivity, success, and happiness. The Sun Tarot is the nineteenth card in the Major Arcana, a...

Solitary Pagan Witch Healing Spell: A Guide to Performing the Ritual Alone

Solitary Pagan Witch Healing Spell is a powerful tool used by many witches to help themselves or others heal from physical or emotional ailments. This type of spell is often performed alone, as it req...

Solitary Pagan Moon Magick: How to Practice Powerful Rituals Alone

Solitary pagan moon magick is a spiritual practice that involves working with the cycles of the moon to harness its energy and power. This practice is often performed by pagans who prefer to work alon...

Spell Work for a Solitary Pagan Witch: Tips and Techniques for Effective Magick

Spell work is an essential part of Paganism, and it is often used to manifest the practitioner’s desires. For a solitary Pagan witch, spell work can be a powerful tool to connect with the divine...

Solitary Kitchen Witch: Exploring the Practice of Cooking Magic Alone

Solitary Kitchen Witchcraft is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves using the kitchen as a sacred space for performing rituals and spells. Unlike traditional witchc...

Solitary Pagan Ritual: A Guide to Performing a Sacred Ceremony Alone

Solitary Pagan Rituals are a form of spiritual practice that involve performing rituals alone, rather than in a group or coven setting. These rituals can be performed in a variety of settings, from a ...

Solitary Paganism: Exploring the Practice of Worshiping Alone

Solitary Paganism is a spiritual path that is often misunderstood and misrepresented. It is a form of Paganism that does not involve group rituals or the worship of a specific deity. Instead, it is a ...


The full moon has been associated with magic and witches for millennia. The ancient Roman writer, Horace, made a reference to a witch drawing the moon down out of the sky.Horace (Epode 17)—says the Wi...


Another reason for the reverence to the Moon probably had to do with the directconnection of Her cycles to Nature-but most notably to the seas and oceans.Tides roll in and out with the Moon’s comings ...


The 13th Moon, or “Blue” Moon can occur at any time during the year. A Moon is called Blue only when it is the second full Moon to take place that month (moon-th). The second New Moon in a month is kn...


While there are many theories, one of the most valid is that the Moon-unlike theSun-was able to change form and shape. Her crescent phase not only grew in thesky to full, round beauty, but waned again...


The Moon is our closest neighbor, and we know a lot about Her. We know howfar She lives from the Earth, the course of Her journey, and when to expect Hervisits. We know about Her surface, Her terrain,...


As above, so below. Look into the sky and observe which phase the moon is in. Then you will know where you are in the growth cycle of each lunar month. To discover what phase the moon is in, hold your...


Monday is ruled by the Moon. Call on this lovely energy for magicks involving emotions, peace, healing, balance, fertility, planting and growing, family, pets and hearth and home. It’s a day to empowe...


* New Moon Magic * New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health o...


This is for banishing magick and for removing pain, sickness and obstacles to success and happiness. It will lessen negative influences, addictions, compulsions, negative thoughts, grief, guilt, anxie...

A Ritual For Drawing Down The Moon

There are many versions of this goddess-focused ritual and it can be used to draw power into yourselfand, if you wish, to channel wisdom from a higher source (see also the Charge of the Goddess and th...


If you look in your Moon diary, you will see the exact time the full moon rises in your area. That isthe most powerful moment of all and if you can time the climax of a spell for that time you will to...


At its most basic definition, sigil magick is described as symbolic drawing. The word ‘sigil’ derives from the latin word ‘sigillum’ meaning seal. It is a drawing or symbol that has a special meaning ...


On an altar let there be a phial of anointing oil, a chalice of water, a salver of salt, burning incense, three lighted candles, a rock or crystal, some flowers, a wand and or athame, a sistrum, bread...


Prepare Your Altar ● Candles may be blue-white-orange or green-white-red● Incense may be bay, sandalwood, or frankincense● Have spellwork materials ready on altar Rite ● Sweep circle area, say “I swee...


Use this ritual to bring specific lunar energies into your life. It should be carried out on the evening ofthe full moon or as close as you can.I choose Cantios, my favourite full moon of the year, wh...


As well as the months, the phases of the Moon offer scope for different kinds of magick during the individual monthly moon cycles. However, problems in interpretation of these energies can arise becau...


The cycle from new moon to new moon lasts 29.5 days but because the Moon has an irregular orbit, the time of its rising and setting will vary each day. For this reason, phases can vary in length by a ...


There are eight astronomical phases of the Moon, but magick generally focuses on three that are considered to be particularly significant. The waxing moon: As the Moon is increasing in size, it is sai...


This is the time for new beginnings and long-term goals and you can repeat the same spell during each waxing moon period for projects that will take months or even a year or more to bring to fruition....


Like the Moon, you and everything around you – children, pets, plants and, of course, crystals – will become more dynamic and charged as the Moon increases. This is especially noticeable with moonston...


The personality of the Queen of Pentacles combines the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit with the inward focus of a Queen. If you were to visit the Queen of Pentacles, the fir...


The  Witches Pentacle, the symbol of Witchcraft, is a bold and fascinating statement about our place in the Universe. The pentagram represents an ancient concept that can be found in philosophica...


This is a quick reference guide for the Major Arcana, the main 22 cards of the Tarot FOOL – innocence, looking before leaping, foolishness MAGICIAN – knowledge, skill, magic HIGH PRIESTESS – mystery, ...


There are a number of tarot decks out there in the world, now. (There are Oraclecards that are great for personal readings, and their meanings are all found within thebooks that come with those decks....


The Celtic Cross spread is a deep look into yourlife/situation/where you’re coming from/where you’re going.● The Tree of Life spread uses either playing cards or tarot deck, using thefinal 3 cards as ...


● Ace- abundance, love, joy, inspiration; (R) emotional upset, delays● King- intuition, counselor, creative desire; (R) obstacles, immobility● Queen- nurturing, psychic, emotional ties; (R) emotional ...


● Ace- strength, power to achieve goals, action: (R) complexity needs caution● King- authority, will and intellect, implementation of ideas decided; (R) tyranny,plans halted or methods undecided● Quee...


● 0- The fool- innocence, enthusiasm, start of a quest; (R) the quest has beenachieved, it is time to rest and decide on a new narrative● 1- The Magician- control over one’s own destiny; (R) lack of c...


Minor Arcana (56 cards), divided by suits:Wands (or Rods)● Ace- creative power, new beginning; (R) stagnation, decline● King- conscientiousness, plan is possible; (R) criticism, inaction● Queen- pract...


When reading other people, trust your intuition. The reader should be relaxed and open to communication. The reading will present cards that represent things at the present time, at the time of the re...

Thoughts of Beltane

Celts used the cross-quarter days to mark the change of the seasons and their midpoints rather than the Solstices & the Equinoxes. The ancient Celts divided the year into two main seasons. Winter ...


Astral Magick

A Ritual For Harmony

This ritual can be used when, for example, a colleague, family member or friend is intruding in your life, but you do not want to hurt their feelings. It can be very successful if you have received on...

Sunday Magick

Associated with our most powerful planetary influence, the Sun, which rules over things such as individuality, creativity, vitality, will power, and optimism, Sunday is the perfect day to celebrate wh...

Gris – Gris

In Vodun, charms or talismans kept for good luck or to ward off evil. The original gris-gris were probably dolls or images of the gods, but most gris-gris today are small cloth bags filled with herbs,...


Wild crafting, as we practice and promote it, is making a commitment to deepen your connection to the natural landscape and take responsibility for its regeneration. It is learning about the plants ar...

Winter Solstice

Time: For three days from sunset on or around 20 December (20 June in the southern hemisphere) Focus: Rebirth, the return of light, the triumph of life over death, spiritual awakening, light in the mi...

Herbs for Magical Intention

Anger– alyssum Animal Magic – cloth of gold Anti-Theft – Garlic, Juniper, Arthritis – buckeye Astral Projection – belladonna, Dittany of Crete Awareness – anise Balance – Holly, pine Banishing – black...

Herbal Cures for anxiety: LEMON BALM

This zesty scented herb is actually part of the mint family and is said to promote a feeling of calm. Like lavender and chamomile, lemon balm is also said to encourage restful sleep and is a powerful ...

Growing Your Herbs Indoors

Many herbs will grow well in pots on sunny windowsills, in window boxes, hanging baskets and in tubs or barrels in a sun room or on a balcony. There should even be enough space on one large, south-fac...


Other Names Albahaca, St. Joseph’s Wort, Sweet Basil General Information Basil is a member of the mint family with a characteristic square, hairy stem, labiate flowers and opposite leaves. It has a ri...

Preparing Herbs for Use

Capsules Use all natural gelatin capsules when using powdered herbs. Many herbs have a bitter taste, this often is the medicinal value in the herb, but makes teas unpleasant. Capsules can be used to t...

Sources Of Herbal Minerals & Vitamins

VITAMIN A ~ Alfalfa, Burdock, Cayenne, Dandelion, Garlic, Kelp, Marshmallow, Papaya, Parsley, Raspberry, Red clover, Saffron, Watercress, Yellow dock THIAMINE B1 ~ Cayenne, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Kelp,...

Herbs according to your birth sign

Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the he...