

This tree was sacred to the Druids. To this day,some water diviners still use its forkedbranches, traditionally called ‘wishing rods’. Itis still considered a crime to cut down a sacredalder tree and ...

Hearth and Home Incense

This incense should be burnt when you wish to create a safe, warm, loving home. 2 parts dragon’s blood resin 1/2 part juniper 1/2 part sassafrass 1/2 part orange flowers 2 parts myrrh resin 1/2 part r...

The candle tips over and flames up into a potential fire hazard

Provided that you know you have placed the candles properly, this indicates there is danger about for you and your client. You should clear your sacred space and cleanse it by whatever means you prefe...

Representational Magick

Representational magic involves using anobject that represents something or someonefor whom you are working the spell. It helps inconcentrating the energy and visualizing thedesire and the end result....

Astral Projection: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Astral projection often refers to an out of body experience. It is an event where our astral body can separate from our physical body and move through astral planes and places that hum with a higher f...

Hermes Trismegistus and the Hermetic Principles

Truth be told, a lot of magick is founded on philosophy. Case in point: the Hermetic principles. The Hermetic principles are a set of philosophical beliefs based upon the ancient writings of Hermes Tr...


Origin: Italian, pre-Roman Abeona is the spirit of literal and metaphoric departures. She protects children in general, but especially the first time they leave home. Abeona may be petitioned to provi...

Parsley Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses:

Precautions/ Side effects/ Warnings: One the other hand there are certain side effects of parsley because of which it should not be given to pregnant women as it may result in muscle contractions of t...


In folklore, a witch’s familiar or a witch metamorphosed in disguise. It is still bad luck in the British Isles for one’s path to be crossed by a hare. Witches were said to be able to change themselve...

Drinking Horn

Banishing Magic

Autumn Equinox

Aura Magick

Astrological Magic

Astral Magick 


Pagan Animal

Angel Cards

Pagan Altar Kits

Pagan Ancestor

Alphabet Magick 

Pagan Elements

Tarot Cards

Pagan Chalice

Pagan Chest



Witchcraft Theory & Practice – The center

The center has been called spirit, essence, soul, consciousness. It is the deep you that seeks to know and understand not only who you are, but why you are here. It is the whole of you as opposed to t...

Smudging Herbs and their Properties

Smudging Herbs will drive out negative energies, spirits and influences. Use this as a smudge to purify people and places before any sacred ceremony. There are many varieties of sage, and most have be...

Food Magick: Cups, Bowls, and Pots 1.2

Pottery was invented by women, and pottery remained a feminine craft among virtually all culturally unadvanced early peoples. One of the hallmarks of “advanced” culture was the forced transference of ...

Food Magick: Can not be Evil

Visualization is the most advanced magical technique necessary for the successful practice of food magic. Food magic consists of choosing foods, cooking or preparing them with a purpose, and eating th...

Food Magick: A Source of Power

The practice of folk magic utilizes a variety of tools to empower simple rituals. These tools include visualization, candles, colours, words, affirmations, herbs, essential oils, stones, and metals. O...

Kitchen Witch: Pumpkin

(Curcurbita spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Healing, money Lore: According to early American lore, if half a pumpkin is left exposed in the kitchen, negative energies will arrive to spoil ...


It seems that on every part of the globe where humans have lived, there has developed a body of herbal knowledge, something which has led to a special relationship developing between herbs and people....

Herbal Weight Loss Bath

All you need for this spell is a selection of herbal oils to add to your bathwater. You only need a few drops each of:• Grapefruit oil• Lemon oil• Sage oil• Basil oil Run a deep bath for yourself, and...

Entering the World of HedgeWitchery

Most traditional spellwork and ritual form a mental vehicleto help you communicate your desires to the universe. Suchpractices keep the mind busy and centered in a positive place,freeing you to fully ...

Hygge and Self-Care

Hygge is a Danish concept that underlines theimportance of focusing on the enjoyment of themoment. It’s about being present and allowing yourselfthe time and space to acknowledge a feeling or what’sha...


A protection against witches, demons, vampires,the evil eye and other dark supernatural forces, and aningredient in folk healing remedies. Garlands of garlic worn around the neck or hung in a house ar...


Runes are not just for divination, there are many other ways to put them to use. There are necklaces, bracelets, and earings that have a rune on them. Most occult stores carry them in stock, or you ca...

The Cauldron

More than the broom, or even the stang, the cauldron is the classic witches’ tool. In classical Greece we find stories of the witch Medea who brewed the elixir of life and death in her cauldron. Acros...

The Cauldron of Cerridwen

Cerridwen, a deity associated with the feminine symbols of water and the Moon, is the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of inspiration, wisdom, and the magical arts of enchantment, divination, and prophec...

Cauldron Spirit

Many Witches pour a bit of ordinary surgical spirit (rubbing alcohol) into their cast iron cauldrons and light it carefully dropping in a lit match. This is often done as part of healing rituals, invo...

A Ritual of Celebration and Magic for the Autumn Equinox

This fairly simple ritual is offered as one example of countless possibilities—I’ve included it to show you an example of one of the more accessible, and easy-to-perform rituals for the beginner Wicca...

Alphabet Magick

It is probable that all alphabets were originally magical. Only in later times did they come to be reduced to the more prosaic transactions of mere record and trade. The names which the letters were g...

Magickal Symbolism Of Birds

Birds can appear to us either in our physical world, in dreams, or during meditation, to deliver messages or help us find what we may be missing in our lives. The bird could appear just the once to de...

Working with Candles

The first step in candle magick is to choose a candle whose colour and shape represent your desire. Next, you will have to dress, or energize, the candle. This is done by anointing the entire candle w...

Deities Of Power

These gods and goddesses bring psychic self-defence, protection, righteous anger against injustice,also change, regeneration and survival.These deities are very powerful and should only be invoked in ...

Collecting Protective Crystals

Protective Crystals have innate qualities as well as healing and empowering properties and so can offer instant harmony and energy even in the most draining situations. Certain crystals have, over the...

Cleansing Crystals And Gemstones

Cleansing crystals should always be carried out after after use in protection, healing andempowerment. When you obtain a new crystal, cleanse it before charging it with your own personal energies. In ...

A Candle Ritual For Love

Scratch the zodiacal glyphs for yourself and a lover on candles of the appropriate colour then light the candles. Move them closer to each other over a period of three days while speaking words of lov...

Deities Of Love And Passion

Aphrodite Aphrodite is the Cretan and Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her name means ‘born from the foam’. She can be invoked for the gentle attraction of new love as well as for sexuality and passi...

Fairy Magick

Because fairies are connected to nature, their spells are usually performed outdoors. A small brook, a secret lily pond, the base of your favourite tree, or a field of wildflowers all make excellent s...

Casting a Coin in a Well

If there is one spell that we like to use above all others in Briar Rose, it is this one. It is an old crafting that was used throughout Britain, though it is best documented in the Silver Bough, a wo...


Malicious acts attributed to witches and sorcerers in times past that caused harm or death to humans, animals or crops. Since antiquity, witches, sorcerers and magicians have been said to cast negativ...

Witchcraft And The Early Christians

After the formation of the Christian church, the worship of the old deities and the old ways werebanned and the nature festivals supplanted by Christian ones. The Christians were pragmatic,however, an...


Bellarmine jugs, bottles, and drinking-mugs were produced by the potteries of the Rhineland area, from the sixteenth centuryonwards. They were exported in large numbers to this country, wherethey beca...

Am I a Witch?

The answer to that question can only be answered by you. The word witch means “wise person” so if you are interested in energy work, the pursuit of enlightenment, and learning traditions o...


One of the witches’ most important basic beliefs, obviously, is the realityand possibility of magic. (See MAGIC.) This involves the idea that thephysical world is only part of reality, the part ...


When modern Australia came into being, peopled by emigrants from Europe, it was natural that the old beliefs of witchcraft should have travelled with them. Nevertheless, a considerable sensation was c...


The late Lewis Spence, who was an authority on Ancient Mexico and also on the subject of Atlantis, made an extraordinary discovery, relevant to the history of the witch cult, in a pre-Columbian manusc...


A tho is the name given to a carved head of the horned god of witchcraft, owned by Mr. Raymond Howard of Norfolk. In 1930, when Mr. Howard was a boy, he lived with relations on a farm in Norfolk. Here...


The black-handled knife that is the traditional witches’ weapon. It is used for drawing the magic circle and for controlling and banishing spirits. The use by witches of a magical weapon of this...


Belief in the astral plane is part of the common heritage of occult philosophy which is shared by witch and ceremonial magician alike. The word ‘astral’ is derived from the Latin astrum, a...


Lucius Apuleius is best known to us as the author of The Golden Ass, one of the most famous romances in the world, containing as it does the story of Cupid and Psyche. His importance to the study of w...

Casting the Circle (1949)

It is most convenient to mark the circle with chalk, paint or otherwise, to show where it is; but marks on thecarpet may be utilized. Furniture may be placed to indicate the bounds. The only circle th...


An amulet is a magical object the purpose of which is to avert danger and evil influence from its possessor. It is a protection device, as distinct from a talisman. The latter is intended to attract s...

Alphabet Magick

It is probable that all alphabets were originally magical. Only in later times did they come to be reduced to the more prosaic transactions of mere record and trade. The names which the letters were g...

Anderson, Victor

Anderson, Victor (1917–2001) Cofounder of the Feri (formerly Faery) Tradition of Witchcraft. Victor H. Anderson was born on May 21, 1917, in Clayton, New Mexico. When he was a young child, his family ...


(Cichorium intybus) GFolk Names: Succory, Wild Cherry, WildSuccoryGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: AirPowers: Removing Obstacles, Invisibility,Favors, FrugalityMagical Uses: Chicory is used to rem...


(Castanea sativa, C. dentata, C. spp.) GGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: FirePowers: LoveMagical Uses: Use chestnuts in love spells, orfeed to a loved one.


(Chameamelum nobile, Anthemisnobilis) PFolk Names: Camomyle, Chamaimelon,Ground Apple, Heermannchen (German),Manzanilla (Spanish), Maythen, WhigPlantGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: WaterPowers: M...


(Matricaria recutita)Folk Names: Ground Apple, Heermannchen(German) Chamaimelon, CamomyleGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: WaterMagical Uses: German Chamomile is used incalming and sleep incenses a...


(Chelidonium majus) PoisonFolk Names: Celydoyne, Chelidoninum,Devil’s Milk, Garden Celandine, GreaterCelandine, Kenning Wort, Swallow Herb,Swallow-Wort, TetterwortGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: ...


(Ricinus communes) PoisonSeed oil: P I Ab Lt (+8-10 days)Folk Names: Palma Christi, Palms ChristiRoot, Mamona, Makula Kula, Mbono,Mdogo, RacznickPower: ProtectionMagical Uses: Castor beans are good pr...


(Cedrus libani or C. spp.) Leaf, berry: PGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: FirePowers: Healing, Purification, Money,ProtectionMagical Uses: The smoke of the cedar ispurifying, and also cures the pr...


(Nepeta cataria) PFolk Names: Cat, Catmint, Catnep, Catrup,Cat’s Wort, Field Balm, Nepeta, NipGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeities: BastPowers: Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, HappinessMagical ...


(Castanea sativa, C. dentata, C. spp.) GGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: FirePowers: LoveMagical Uses: Use chestnuts in love spells, orfeed to a loved one.


(Anacardium occidentale) Nut: GFolk Names: Mbiba, Kasui, MkanjuGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: FirePower: MoneyMagical Uses: Cashews are used in prosperityand money spells.


(Rhamnus purshiana) P N Lt I Ab Ii Ch-12Folk Name: Sacred Bark, Bitter Bark, EcorceSacree, Yellow Bark, Cittim BarkPowers: Legal Matters, Money, ProtectionMagical Uses: Sprinkle an infusion of cascara...


(Daucus carota) The seed: PFolk Names: Bird’s Nest, Philtron, Gizri,Queen Ann’s LaceGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Fertility, LustMagical Uses: The seeds, eaten, help womenbecome pr...


Jacaranda procera, Prosopis dulcis,Ceratonia siliqua) Fruit: GFolk Names: Caaroba, Caroba, Carobinha,ChocolatePowers: Protection, HealthMagical Uses: Carry or wear to maintaingood health, and to guard...


(Dianthus carophyllus) Sk DgFolk Names: Gillies, Gilliflower, Jove’sFlower, Nelka, Scaffold Flower, Sops-InWine Gender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: FireDeity: JupiterPowers: Protection, Strength, Hea...


(Elettaria cardamomum) GGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeity: ErzuliePower: Lust, LoveMagical Uses: The ground seeds are addedto warmed wine for a quick lust potion.They are also baked int...


(Capparis spinosa)Folk Names: Fakouha, Lasafa, ShafallahGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Potency, Lust, LoveMagical Uses: A man who suffers fromimpotency has but to eat some capers a...


(Rhamnus purshiana) P N Lt I Ab Ii Ch-12Folk Name: Sacred Bark, Bitter Bark, EcorceSacree, Yellow Bark, Cittim BarkPowers: Legal Matters, Money, ProtectionMagical Uses: Sprinkle an infusion of cascara...


(Carum carvi) GFolk Names: Kummel, AlcaraveaGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirPowers: Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-theft,Mental PowersMagical Uses: The caraway serves as protectionagainst ...


(Camellia japonica)Gender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: RichesMagical Uses: The camellia brings riches andluxury, and so is used in spells of this kind.Place the fresh blossoms in vessels...


Few are poisonous, ingest only thoseused for food.Powers: Protection, ChastityMagical Uses: Cacti of all kinds areprotective, owing to their spines.Grown indoors, they protect againstunwanted intrusio...


(Borago officinalis) Herb: X; Seed oil: GFolk Names: Bugloss, Burrage, Herb ofGladness, Star Flower, Borak, Lisan selvi,Lesan-El-TourGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirPowers: Courage, Psychi...


(Ocimum basilicum)In quantities above average food quantities:P N X for infant and toddlers.Folk Names: Albahaca, American Dittany,“Our Herb,” St. Joseph’s Wort, Sweet Basil,Witches Herb, Njilika, Bal...


(Hordeum spp. vulgare) Sprouted Seed: PFolk Name: MaltGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: EarthPowers: Love, Healing, ProtectionMagical Uses: Use the grain or barley waterin love spells.If you have ...


(Coriandrum sativum) GFolk Names: Chinese Parsley, Cilantro,Cilentro, Culantro, Uan-Suy,Stinkdillsamen, Hu-SuiGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Love, Health, HealingMagical Uses: Coria...


(Symphytum officinale) XFolk Names: Assear, Black Wort, Boneset,Bruisewort, Consohda, Consound, GumPlant, Healing Herb, Knit Back, Knit Bone,Miracle Herb, Slippery Root, Wallwort,Yalluc, Gavez, Smeerw...


(Aquilegia canadensis, A. vulgaris) Seed:PoisonFolk Name: Lion’s HerbGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Courage, LoveMagical Uses: Rub your hands on the herbto induce courage and darin...


(Cimicifuga racemosa) P NFolk Names: Black Snake Root, Bugbane,Rattle Root, Squaw Root, Actaea,CimicifugaGender: MasculinePowers: Love, Courage, Protection, PotencyMagical Uses: Use black cohosh in lo...


(Cocos nucifera)Folk Names: Niyog, RanedjGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Purification, Protection, ChastityMagical Uses: Coconut has long been usedin chastity spells, as well as in p...


(Lycopodium clavatum) XFolk Names: Foxtail, Lycopod, Selago,Vegetable Sulfur, Wolf Claw, Moririr-WaMafikaGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Protection, PowerMagical Uses: The herb, when...


(Borago officinalis) Herb: X; Seed oil: GFolk Names: Bugloss, Burrage, Herb ofGladness, Star Flower, Borak, Lisan selvi,Lesan-El-TourGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirPowers: Courage, Psychi...


(Trifolium spp.) GFolk Names: Honey, Honeystalks, Shamrock,Three-Leaved Grass, Trefoil, TrifoilGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirDeity: RowenPowers: Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity,Exorcis...


(Acorus calamus) Poison: Several plants aresold under the name of Calamus and two ofthose are very dangerous to take internally,so we must recommend not using calamusinternally.Folk Names: Gladdon, My...


(Acorus calamus) Poison: Several plants aresold under the name of Calamus and two ofthose are very dangerous to take internally,so we must recommend not using calamusinternally.Folk Names: Gladdon, My...


(Arctium lappa) GFolk Names: Bardana, Beggar’s Buttons,Burrseed, Clotbur, Cockleburr, GreatBurdock, Happy Major, Hardock,Hurrburr, PersonataGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Protectio...


(Brassica oleracea) GGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: LuckMagical Uses: Cabbage should beplanted in the garden the first thingafter a couple has been married, ifthey wish to have good...


(Fagopyrum spp.) AFolk Names: Beechwheat, Brank, FrenchWheat, Saracen CornGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: EarthPowers: Money, ProtectionMagical Uses: Grind the seeds (make flour)and sprinkle aro...


(Rhamnus catharticus, R.frangula,R.spp.) PNL t I AbIiCh-12R. frangula bark must be aged two yearsprior to internal use.Folk Name: Hart’s ThornGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: WaterPowers: Protec...


(Barosma betulinayAgathosmabetulina) P KFolk Names: Bookoo, Bucoo, Buku, OvalBuchu, Short Buchu, Sab, PinkaouGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Psychic Powers, Prophetic DreamsMagical U...


(Bryony spp. dioica) PoisonFolk Names: Gout Root, Ladies’ Seal, MadRoot, Snake Grape, Tamus, Tetterberry,Wild Hops, Wild Vine, Wood Vine, EnglishMandrakeGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePower...


(Cytisus scoparius) PoisonFolk Names: Banal, Basam, Besom, Bisom,Bizzon, Breeam, Broom Tops, Brum,Genista Green Broom, Irish Broom, IrishTops, Link, Scotch Broom, Hog WeedGender: MasculinePlanet: Mars...


(Pteridium aquilinum) XGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirPowers: Healing, Rain Magic, PropheticDreamsMagical Uses: If you burn bracken outside,rain will fall.Bracken is also used for protect...


(Ficus religiosa)Folk Names: Bo-Tree, Peepul Tree, Pipul,Sacred TreeGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirDeities: Buddha, VishnuThe HerbsPowers: Fertility, Protection, Wisdom,MeditationRitual U...


(Campanula rotundifolia)Folk Names: HarebellPowers: Luck, TruthMagical Uses: If you can turn a bluebell insideout without tearing or damaging it, you willeventually have the one you love.The next time...


Planet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Love Gender: Feminine Magical Uses: Crush the flower. If the juiceis red, your love has a heart full of love foryou. But if it is white, he or she doesn’t loveyou. W...


(Atropa belladonna) PoisonFolk Names: Banewort, Black Cherry, DeadlyNightshade, Death’s Herb, Devil’s Cherries,Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry,Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man’sCherries, Sorce...


(Beta vulgaris) Large amounts of the leaf: XFolk Names: Mangel, MangoldGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthPower: LoveMagical Uses: If a man and woman eat of thesame beet, they will fall in lo...


(Fagus sylvatica) Large amounts ofthe nut: XFolk Names: Bok, Boke, Buche, Buk, Buke,Faggio, Fagos, Faya, Haya, HetreGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnPowers: WishesMagical Uses: Take a stick of beech, scr...


(Phaseolus spp.)Beans not used for food may be poisonous.Folk Name: Poor Man’s MeatGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirDeities: Demeter, CardeaPowers: Protection, Exorcism, WartCharming, Recon...


(Laurus nobilis) GFolk Names: Baie, Bay Laurel, Bay Tree,Daphne, Grecian Laurel, Laurel, Laurierd’Apollon, Laurier Sauce, Lorbeer, NobleLaurel, Roman Laurel, Sweet BayGender: MasculinePlanet: SunEleme...


(Ficus benghalensis) GFolk Names: Arched Fig, Indian Fig Tree,Indian God Tree, Vada TreeGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirDeity: MauiPowers: LuckRitual Uses: The banyan is reverenced bythe H...


(Bambusa vulgaris) GFolk Names: Common Bamboo, Ohe(Hawaiian), Kauayan-kilingGender: MasculineDeity: HinnaPowers: Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking,WishesRitual Uses: Bamboo is used in divinationin Chines...


(Ficus religiosa)Folk Names: Bo-Tree, Peepul Tree, Pipul,Sacred TreeGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirDeities: Buddha, VishnuThe HerbsPowers: Fertility, Protection, Wisdom,MeditationRitual U...


(Iris versicolor) Poison P VFolk Names: Flag Lily, Fleur-de-Lys, Iris,Liver Lily, Poison Lily, Poison Flag, SnakeLily, Water Flag, Water IrisGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: MoneyMag...


(Vaccinum frondosum, V. angustifolium,V. corymbosum, V. pallidum) Leaf: GFolk Names: BilberryPower: ProtectionMagical Uses: Place some blueberries beneaththe doormat to keep undesirables awayfrom your...


(Sanguinaria canadensis) Poison P VFolk Names: King Root, Red Root,TetterwortGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Love, Protection, PurificationMagical Uses: The root is carried or wornto...


(Fucus vesiculosus; various otherplants) P N HFolk Names: Bladder Fucus, Cutweed, Kelp,Sea Spirit, Seawrack, Seetang, Meeriche,Sea Oak, Black TangGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Prot...


(Rubus villosus) GFolk Names: Bly, Bramble, Bramble-Kite,Bumble-Kite, Cloudberry, Dewberry,Goutberry, High Blackberry, ThimbleberryGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeity: BrigitPowers: Heali...


(Celastrus scandens-AmericanBittersweet; Solanum dulcamara-EuropeanBittersweet) AmericanBittersweet: PoisonFolk Names: For American Bittersweet: WaxWork, False Bittersweet. For EuropeanBittersweet: Vi...


(Polygonum bistorta)Folk names: Dragonwort, Easter Giant,English Serpentary, Osterick, Passions,Patience Dock, Red Legs, Snakeweed, SweetDockGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthPowers: Psychic...


(Betula pendula, B.pubescens, B. lenta,B. alba) GFolk Names: Beithe, Bereza, Berke, Beth,Bouleau, Lady of the WoodsGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeity: ThorPowers: Protection, Exorcism, P...


(Stachys betonica, Stachys officinalis,Betonica officinalis) GFolk Names: Bishopwort, Lousewort, PurpleBetonyGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: FirePowers: Protection, Purification, LoveMagical ...


(Monarda fistulosa) PFolk Names: Horsemint, Bee Balm, MonardaGender: FeminineElement: AirPower: ClarityMagical Uses: Wild Bergamot can be usedto bring clarity and good working order tothe surface of a...


(Mentha citrata)Folk Names: Bergamot, Orange MintGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirPowers: MoneyMagical Uses: The leaves of the orange bergamotare slipped into wallets and pursesto attract m...


Folk Names: Ben, Benjamen, Gum Benzoin,Siam Benzoin, Siamese BenzoinGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: AirPowers: Purification, ProsperityMagical Uses: Burn benzoin to purify, andadd to purification...


(Thevetia peruviana, T. nereifolia)PoisonFolk Names: Trumpet Flower, YellowOleander, Flor Del Peru, Lucky NutPowers: LuckMagical Uses: In Sri Lanka, the seeds areknown as “lucky beans” and are worn as...


Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant with a large daisy-like flower face. Its scientific name comes from the Greek words helios (“sun”) and anthos (“flo...

Mandrake Plant

Shaped like a human being, the mandrake (Mandragora) is a plant that has long been associated with Witchcraft. It is highly toxic and produces a narcotic effect when ingested internally—something that...

Mistletoe Magick

Planetary Associations: Sun and Jupiter Gender: Masculine Element: Air Deities: Brigit, Flidais, Macha, Aengus, Mac Óg, Dagda, Manannan Mac Lír Folklore: Mistletoe has always been considered a magical...


(Eucalyptus spp. globulus) Li BdDo not use on the faces of small children.Folk Names: Blue Gum Tree, Stringy BarkTreeGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Healing, ProtectionMagical Uses: ...


(Euphorbia spp. pilulifera, E. hirta)Poison VFolk Names: Crown of Thorns, Spurge,Wolf’s Milk, Pill-Bearing Spurge, Catshair,MziwaziwaGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: WaterPowers: Purification, P...


(Eryngium . maritinum, E. planum, E.yuccifolium, E. campestre, E.foetidum) GFolk Names: Sea Holly, Yerba del SapoGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Traveler’s Luck, Peace, Lust, LoveMa...


(Euphrasia officinalis) GFolk Names: Euphrosyne, Red EyebrightGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: AirPowers: Mental Powers, Psychic PowersMagical Uses: Brewed into a tea and drunk,eyebright clears th...


(Cichorium endivia)Gender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirPowers: Lust, LoveMagical Uses: Endive, to be used in magic, isbest gathered in the following manner: dig itup on June 27 or July 25 with...


(Ulmus campestris) GFolk Names: Elven, English Elm, EuropeanElmGender: FemininePlanet: SaturnElement: WaterDeities: Odin, Hoenin, LodrPowers: LoveMagical Uses: Once known as “Elven” dueto its populari...


(Inula helenium) P N D+Folk Names: Alantwurzel (German),Alycompaine, Aunee (French), Elf Dock,Elfwort, Horseheal, Nurse Heal, Scabwort,Velvet Dock, Wild SunflowerGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElemen...


(Sambucus canadensis) Ripe fruit: G;All other parts: XFolk Names: Alhuren, Battree, BoureTree, Bour Tree, Eldrum, Ellhorn, FrauHolle (German), Hildemoer (German),Hollunder (German), Hylder, LadyEllhor...


(Leontopodium alpinum)Powers: Invisibility, Bullet-ProofingMagical Uses: Made into a wreath and worn,edelweiss confers invisibility.To be protected against daggers andbullets, pull up a whole edelweis...


(Diospyros lotus)Folk Names: Lama (Hawaiian), Obeah WoodPowers: Protection, PowerMagical Uses: Ebony wood is protective andso is used in making amulets. Ebony wandsgive the magician pure, unadulterate...


(Dicentra cucullaria) XPowers: LoveMagical Uses: Wear the root of theDutchman’s Breeches to attract love.


(Rhodymenia palmatta) H LtGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: Lust, HarmonyMagical Uses: Add to beverages to inducelust. Sprinkled around the home it encouragesharmony.Dulse is also used...


(Cornus florida) GFolk Names: Boxwood, Budwood, Dogtree,Florida Dogwood, Flowering Cornel,Flowering Dogwood, Green Osier, VirginiaDogwoodPowers: Wishes, ProtectionMagical Uses: Place the sap of the do...


(Daemonorops draco, D. propinquos) GFolk Names: Blood, Blume, Calamus Draco,Draconis Resina, Sanguis Draconis,Dragon’s Blood PalmGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Love, Protection, Exo...


(Rumex spp. crispus, R. obtusifolius) KsFolk Name: Yellow DockGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirPowers: Healing, Fertility, Moneylopedia of Magical HerbsMagical Uses: The seeds of the common...


(Dictamus origanoides, D. albus) GGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Manifestations, Astral ProjectionMagical Uses: Dittany, when burned, is anexcellent base for manifestations of spir...


(Viburnum alnifolium) GPowers: Protection, Gambling Luck, Power,EmploymentMagical Uses: This herb wards off evil whenworn around the neck, and protects itsbearer against accidental poisoning.Gamblers ...


(Scabiosa succisa)Folk Name: OfbitGender: MasculinePowers: Exorcism, Love, Protection, LuckMagical Uses: When worn around the neck,devil’s bit drives away evil spirits, andoffers protection to the wea...


(Liatris odoratissima; Frasera speciosa) XFolk Names: Vanilla Leaf, Wild Vanilla,Hound’s TongueGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Lust, Psychic PowersMagical Uses: Worn or carried, it a...


(Taraxacum officinale)Leaf: G; Root: Bb Bi GiFolk Names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion’sTooth, Piss-a-Bed, Priest’s Crown, Puffball,Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild EndiveGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterE...


(Datura stramonium, D. metel, D. spp.)Poison Datura is extremely poisonous—donot eat! Sensitive skin may be irritated simplyby touching the plant.Folk Names: Devil’s Apple, Ghost Flower,Jimsonweed, Lo...


(Chrysanthemum leucanthemumAmericanDaisy; Bellis perenis-EuropeanDaisy) PoisonFolk Names: Bairnwort, Bruisewort, Eyes,Field Daisy, Llygady Dydd (Welsh: Eye ofthe Day), Maudlinwort, Moon DaisyGender: F...


(Turnera diffuse or T. aphrodisiaca) GFolk Name: Mexican DamianaGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Lust, Love, VisionsMagical Uses: Damiana is used in lust infusionsas well as lust spel...


Folk Names: Asphodel, Daffy-Down-Dilly,Fleur de Coucou, Goose Leek, Lent Lily,Narcissus, PorillonGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Love, Fertility, LuckMagical Uses: The flower is pla...


(Cyclamen 5pp.)Probably X in high dosesFolk Names: Groundbread, Pain-dePorceau(French: Sow Bread), Sow-Bread, SwineBreadGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeity: HecatePowers: Fertility, Prote...


(Murraya koenigii)Gender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePower: ProtectionMagical Uses: Burn curry (a specific plant,not the mixture of spices used in cooking)at nightfall to keep evil influences a...


(Crocus vemus) XGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Love, VisionsMagical Uses: The plant, when grown,attracts love. Burn crocus along with alumin a censer, and you may see the vision of...


(Primula veris) GFolk Names: Arthritica, Artetyke, Buckles,Cuy, Drelip, Fairy Cup, Frauenschlussel(German), Herb Peter, Key Flower, Keyof Heaven, Lady’s Key, Lippe, Our Lady’sKeys, Paigle, Paralysio, ...


(Gossypium barbadense) Root bark: PGender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: EarthPowers: Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain,Fishing MagicMagical Uses: If a piece of cotton is placedin the sugar bowl, good lu...


(Zea Mays) Seed, silk: GFolk Names: Giver of life, Maize, SacredMother, Seed of SeedsGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: EarthPowers: Protection, Luck, DivinationRitual Uses: The Corn Mother, or God...


(Bursera odorata, B. fugaroides)B. fugaroides: GGender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: FirePowers: Love, PurificationMagical Uses: Copal is added to love andpurification incenses, especially in Mexico.A...

Paper Poppet

Draw the person as A poppet on paper. 1.get some dirt and rub it onto the mouth of the poppet as to shut it up. 2.Sprinkle lemon juice over the poppet as to draw out of the mouth anything negative tow...

Herbal Poppets

This is also known as the “voodoo doll,” although it has been in magical useat least 4,000 years and was only lately associated with voodoo. Though theyhave been made out of roots, potatoes, lead, bar...

Herbal Poppets And Sachets

Traditionally, empowered herbs were used to fill either sachets or featureless dolls called herbal poppets. They were made for love, protection, prosperity, fertility, healing and success and could co...

Definition Of A Poppet

A poppet is not for harmful intent. That is a major misconception that people get from Hollywood movies and shows like charmed lol. Any spell can be directed towards a specific host. Even a healing sp...

Binding Poppet

Did you know that you could make A poppet out of anything to represent A paticular Host,Bind its arms together and prevent them from hurting themselves,Another person,Or you? You will Need the Followi...

Protection Magick 1.2 : Psychic Manipulation

One suggestion for personal magickal protection is that it is ideal to live your life impartially-to have a mindset and behavior that is very aware of yourself on the psychic level. Once you tune in a...

Protection magick 1.1

Protection magick and psychic self-defense is a way of life that can be embraced by all magickal practitioners. It is both an empowering and a healthy attitude to take, because it takes the victim men...

Return to Sender Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:Hand MirrorBlack CandleIncenseBlack stringBellCasting Instructions for ‘Return to Sender’Call the Spirits to witness the rite using the bell. Say: “I a...

Protection Binding Spell

If you feel that a specific person is out to do you or others harm, this simple spell should stop them in their tracks. Items needed: Photograph of the person to be bound, one black candle, one 9” pie...

Protective Dream Pillow

Supplies Needed Are as Follows:

Witches Potions and Lotions

Quick Guide to Lotions and Potions Infusion Infusions work best for making tea from leaves and flowers as these plant parts give up their active constituents easily. Allow the tea to steep for 10 to 2...

Love Drawing Potion

Items needed: One glass sauce pan Dove’s blood ink A small paint brush Sweet red wine A metal tea ball, One cup honey, The following herbs: 3 fresh mint leaves, 7 rosebud petals, 1 pinch orange zest (...

Magickal Potions

Also known as a Philtre…. a form of a Magickal Charm… a concoction of herbs and and extracts of or excretions of animals including animal parts. More intense forms of this practice were used in Alchem...

Prosperity Spell For Beginners

Did you know that you can use a white candle for any spell? White is known as pure and its also the absence of color therefore making it a neutral color.Also purity! Its great for Beginners,because it...

Protection Magick 1.4 : Complacency

Have you become complacent? Perhaps you simply got a bit lax with the upkeep on your personal protection magick. It happens. And honestly, from time to time, we all forget, and it’s easy to become a b...

Protection Magick 1.3 : Pushing your Limits

As a magickal practitioner and a Witch, you are a beacon of light. You will attract the attention of all sorts of physical beings on this earthly plane as well as the attention of beings on the spirit...

Herbal Protection Pouch

Use this spell to protect your property or a loved oneyou may feel is in danger.Items needed. One black candle, one small stone froma cemetery, black cloth pouch filled with a pinch ofeach of the foll...

Ingredients for Protection

*The following is a summary of various ingredients used in protection during ritual,casting spells,meditation and anything else Magickal! These are the one’s that I personally prefer,however there are...

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks and Dark Energies

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks and Dark Energies. There are many different symptoms that can indicate negative and dark psychic energies, spirits or entities. The following list identifies a few major sy...

Developing Psychic Abilities 1.1

Everyone is psychic. Some people are more so than others and every one of us possesses this ability. You do. I do. And we can further develop, train, and direct, what we already possess. . . expand ou...

Developing Psychic Abilities 1.2. A Positive Attitude

Research has consistently shown that a positive state of mind automatically increases your psychic abilities. The more positive and enthusiastic you are, the more your faculties will stretch beyond an...

Developing Psychic Abilities 1.3. The Ability to Relax

The more thoroughly you can relax while remaining consciously alert,the quicker you can unleash your heart’s ability to feel and your mind’s ability to create – hence, your psychic potential. Relaxati...

Developing Psychic Abilities 1.4. Trust

The root word of “psychic” means “soul.” Thus, psychic abilities are really soul abilities. The “gifts of the spirit” you hear so much about are no different than psychic abilities. These gifts and ta...

Developing Psychic Abilities 1.5. Ways to use your Psychic Abilities

Give yourself fifteen to twenty minutes each day to practice the techniques presented in this article. Pick a time of day and a particular place in your residence where you can be alone without being ...


It is the custom of some writers upon the occult, notably the lateMontague Summers, to lump together indifferently both witchcraft andceremonial magic, and to label them both as ‘devil worship’. This ...

Iron Protection Ritual

Items needed: Eight pieces of iron or iron nails One black candle, A dish of salt, Protection incense. Method Place the candle on the floor near your front door. Encircle the candle with the iron piec...

Raising the Cone of Power

The raising and directing of a spiral of psychic energy in ritual and spellcraft. Gerald B. Gardner described the cone of power as one of the “old ways” of witches; most likely, he borrowed the concep...

Cone of Power

Raising the Cone of Power is a technique that can be found in the Gardnerian Book of Shadows, Katherine Kurtz’s Lammas Night, and most forms of Traditional Witchcraft. The details may vary, but the ov...

Laying the Compass

For many practitioners of Traditional Witchcraft, the act of preparing the Sacred Space for ritual is known as Laying the Compass. Superficially, it resembles the Wiccan practice of casting circle, bu...


(Stellaria media) G: Harvest from fertilizerfreeenvironments.Folk Names: Adder’s Mouth, IndianChickweed, Passerina, Satin Flower, StarChickweed, Starweed, Starwort, Stellaire(French), Stitchwort, Tong...