
Tobacco: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

Many Native Americans believe that nightmares are capable of causing physical ailments and disease. To keep this from happening to you, go directly to a stream immediately upon waking from a bad dream...

St. John’s Wort: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

One of the most beloved magickal herbs of the ancients, the St. John’s wort has enabled many a young lady to capture a glimpse of her future marriage mate in a dream. To accomplish this, place this he...

Rosemary: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To prevent nightmares, sleep with a mojo bag filled with rosemary beneath your pillow. It is said that he (or she) who sleeps with rosemary underneath the bed will be protected from all manner of harm...

Rose: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

It is said that success in all matters of the heart awaits those who see a red rose in their dreams. If a single woman picks a red rose on a Midsummer’s Eve and sleeps with it tucked between her bosom...

Purslane: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To keep recurring nightmares from interfering with your sleep, place a handful of purslane flowers and leaves beneath your pillow prior to bedtime. According to occult tradition from centuries gone by...

Peppermint: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, many Witches stuff dream pillows with the fragrant leaves of the peppermint plant. According to an herbal from olden times, the scent of peppermint “compels one...

Peony: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

For protection against incubus demons, fill a white mojo bag with peony roots, coral, and flint, and then anoint it with three drops of myrrh oil. Pin the mojo bag to your nightgown or pajamas, or att...

Onion:Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, place a white onion underneath your pillow before bedtime. This practice is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt, where the onion was at one time regard...

Mullein: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To prevent nightmares, stuff a white mojo bag with mullein leaves and then place it beneath your pillow just before bedtime. According to herbal folklore from centuries gone by, mullein also protects ...

Mugwort: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

Of all the herbs associated with dream magick, mugwort is by far the most popular and the most potent. To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, stuff a dream pillow with mugwort leaves and then rest yo...

Morning Glory: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To safeguard your sleep against nightmares, according to occult tradition, fill a white mojo bag with the seeds of a morning glory plant and place it beneath your pillow just before going to bed. In a...

Mistletoe: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

When placed beneath a pillow at bedtime or put into a white mojo bag and attached to the bedpost or headboard, the leaves and berries of the mistletoe plant are said to prevent nightmares and insomnia...

Mimosa: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, fill a blue or yellow mojo bag with mimosa flowers and then place it beneath your pillow before you go to sleep.  In addition, anointing your Third Eye chakra w...

Marigold: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, scatter the flowers of a marigold under and around your bed before turning in for the evening. This plant is also said to induce dreams that reveal the true ide...

Mandrake: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

The mandrake is unquestionably the most magickal of all plants, and the part of it most commonly employed in the casting of spells is its mysterious root, which bears a curious resemblance to the huma...

Lemon Verbena: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

For a dreamless slumber, fill a gray-colored charm bag with lemon verbena and wear it on a string around your neck when you go to sleep. Additionally, drinking a bit of the juice extracted from the pl...

Jasmine: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

For restful sleep and pleasant dreams, sleep with a blue mojo bag filled with jasmine flowers beneath your pillow or sewn to the inside of your pillowcase.  To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, bur...

Hyacinth: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

For the prevention of nightmares, grow a hyacinth plant in a pot and keep it as close to your bed as possible. When dried and burned as incense prior to bedtime, the fragrant flowers of the hyacinth a...

Huckleberry: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

“To make all your dreams come true, burn the leaves [of a huckleberry plant] in your bedroom directly before going to sleep.” After seven days have passed, that which you have dreamt shall be made man...

Holly: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

An old Witch’s method to induce prophetic dreams is as follows: Without speaking a single word, gather together nine holly leaves at the witching hour (midnight) on a Friday. Wrap them in a white clot...

Heliotrope: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, place some heliotrope leaves beneath your pillow prior to bedtime. A full moon is the ideal lunar phase in which to do this. If you have had personal possession...

Cinquefoil: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

  Also known by the folk-name “five-finger grass,” the cinquefoil is said to assure restful sleep when put into a blue mojo bag and suspended from the bedpost. Place a sprig of cinquefoil contain...

Cedar: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

When burned as incense, the wood of the cedar is said to “cure the predilection to having bad dreams. Sleep with cedar twigs beneath your pillow to help awaken or strengthen your psychic powers. A ced...

Buchu: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, mix a pinch of dried buchu leaves with a pinch of frankincense. On a night of the full moon, light a charcoal block (which can be bought at most occult shops an...

Bracken: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

If you are faced with a problem to which you cannot find a solution, an old magickal spell suggests placing the root of a bracken underneath your pillow just before you go to sleep. Occult folklore ho...

Bay:Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, place bay leaves beneath your pillow before going to sleep. It is said that bay leaves, when cast into a fire on a night of the full moon, can enable one to see...

Ash: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To induce dreams of a prophetic nature, place seven leaves from an ash tree beneath your pillow before going to sleep. The ash tree, which was sacred to the ancient Teutons and symbolic of their mytho...

Anise: Herbs Associated with Dream Magick

To prevent nightmares, fill a white mojo bag with as many anise seeds as it can possibly hold, and then sew it to the inside of your pillowcase. This simple, yet effective, Witch’s spell from the Midd...

Modern Use of the Watchtowers

The Modern use of Watchtower Elementals is said to be derived from the works of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly. It is also said that Aleister Crowley introduced Gerald Gardner to the Elementals (see be...

The 48 Keys/Calls to the Watchtowers

There are 48 “Calls” or “Keys” that open the gates of these “astral residences.” These are symbolically represented by a large letter square. It is divided into fou...

The 48 Gates of Understanding

It is said Edward Kelly was a seer and alchemist, and John Dee was a sage. Kelly “received messages” from a group of beings of the spirit who claimed they were the same who had instructed ...

Watcher of the West & North

Marking the Autumnal Equinox was Antares, Watcher of the West. The North Watcher was the marker of Winter Solstice, Foralhaut. Actual towers, called Ziggurats (cosmic mountains) were built as a form o...

The Watcher of the East

The Watcher of the East was the star Aldebaran.This star marked the time of the Vernal Equinox. The Watcher of the South was Regulus, marking the time of the Summer Solstice.

The Watchers and the Watchtowers

Know the history of the Watchers and Watchtowers and why they are called upon in circle. If you don’t know their purpose, why call? Early History They are considered an old race who have gone pa...

The Children of the Grigori

Angels are strictly forbidden to associate with the Children of the Grigori or, God forbid, any actual remaining Grigori they might run across in the course of a mission. Amaros – Taught men the...


As has been implied before, angels — though filled with God’s divine grace — are eminently corruptible in the corporeal world (physical plane) and, perhaps more importantly, when in ...

THE WATCH Also Known as Grigori

Watcher Angels according to ThBook of Jubilees, are the sons of God sent from heaven to instruct the children of men; they fell after they descended to earth and cohabitated with the daughters of men ...

The Power of Our Thoughts

We who are lightworkers are already aware of the power of our thoughts. What we are continuing to learn, however, is that our thoughts arel.p. even more powerful than we suspected! A large part of our...

Positively Lightworking

Researchers have known for years that prayer positively affects plants and animals. These studies reveal something that many lightworkers have already known: our collective prayers and healing thought...

Spiritual Gifts of a Lightworker

Many lightworkers are discovering innate spiritual gifts, such as psychic communication skills and spiritual healing abilities. These are the gifts that we volunteered to use to heal the earth and her...

You are a lightworker

You are a lightworker if you feel called to heal others want to resolve the world’s social and environmental problems believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation have had mystical expe...

The Healing Power of Lightworkers

Lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. Each lightworker is here for a sacred purpose. Very often, however, life on e...

Are you an Earth Angel?

  Do you feel different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someones coming to take you home? If so, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you have a passion...

Create an Ancestors Altar 1

Do not worry yourself over what altars look online, it is not a competition to see who has the best altar. It may even be wise not to worry about how your Altar looks in your minds eye. When first set...

Create an Ancestors Altar 7 Ancestor Altar Conclusion

You have your ancestor altar set up, but now what? Use your altar as a physical, tangible place where you speak to your ancestors. Speak out loud or in your mind, it doesn’t matter. Also provide regul...

Create an Ancestors Altar 5 Provide Offerings

The first time you set up your ancestor altar, provide offerings and invite your ancestors to this sacred space. Offerings include: a fresh cup of water, flowers, incense, candle flame, drinks like wi...

Create an Ancestors Altar 4 Set Up

Next, it’s time to set your ancestor altar up. The set-up is entirely up to you. In certain traditions and religions like Wicca, there may be a set pattern to follow; however, if you’re solitary and d...

Create an Ancestors Altar 3 Cleansing

Once you’ve decided on a surface and gathered your supplies, it’s time to cleanse. There are different methods of cleansing your altar, including smoke-cleansing, asperging, or simply wiping the surfa...

Create an Ancestors Altar 2 Gather Your Tools and Supplies For Your Ancestor Altar

Next, decide what you want on your ancestor altar. A few basic recommendations: a photo(s) of your ancestors, heirlooms, a cup and bowl for offerings, incense and incense burner, candles and candle ho...

Create an Ancestors Altar 1: Decide on a Surface

First, decide where to put your altar. It may be recommended that it is not in your bedroom. But maybe in your living, dining room or kitchen. Ancestors may not want to see what you do in your private...


A smooth, gold-coloured wood with a wavygrain, the yew is an ancient tree species that hassurvived since before the Ice Age and, as such,has been revered and used by humankindthroughout the ages. Beca...


Also known as white willow, Tree ofEnchantment and witches aspirin, and one ofthe seven sacred trees of the Irish, the willow isa Moon tree sacred to the Goddess. There arelegends and myths of willows...


Also known as mountain ash, witchwood, sorbapple and quickbeam, the rowan has long been known as an aid and protection againstenchantment by beguiling. Sacred to the Druidsand the Goddess Brigit, it i...


The pine tree is an evergreen and is known forits ability to cleanse the personal environment.It is one of the seven chieftain trees of the Irish.There are numerous ways it can be used. Topurify and s...


Oak is such an all-purpose tree, providing food,shelter and spiritual regeneration, that it isconsidered sacred by just about every culture that has encountered it. The oak was the ‘Kingof Trees’ and ...


Also known as birdlime, all-heal and GoldenBough, mistletoe is probably the most wellknown and sacred plant of the Druids. It rulesthe winter solstice, when bunches of mistletoecan be hung around the ...


An evergreen coniferous tree, which has pricklyleaves and dark purple berries, juniper is used innumerous incenses. Berries were used withthyme in Druid and Grove incenses for visionsand manifestation...


Ivy is evergreen and represents the everpresent aspects of the human psyche.Traditionally regarded as the harbinger ofdeath, ivy is associated by the Celts with theirlunar goddess Arianrhod and her ri...


A white wood with an almost invisible grain,holly is similar in appearance to ivory.Associated with death and rebirth, holly maybe used in spells to do with sleep or rest, and toease death’s transitio...


The hazel tree has long been magical and isused to gain knowledge, wisdom and poeticinspiration and the art of communication. It issaid that it was the nine magical hazelnuts thatgave the Salmon of Kn...

Charm Ball

The charm ball that you make represents yournew self with all its dreams and aspirations.Each year, as you replace it with a new one, itthen becomes a representation of the troublesand difficulties of...


Also known as May tree, white thorn,haegthorn and quickthorn, this is one of themost wild, enchanted and sacred of trees. It canlive to a great age, becoming gnarled in theprocess. Hawthorn is traditi...


Fir is a very tall slender tree that grows inmountainous regions on the upper slopes. Itscones respond to varying weather conditionsby opening and closing. Symbolically, firindicates high perspectives...


A slightly fibrous, tan-coloured wood with aslight sheen, elm wood is valued for itsresistance to splitting. The inner bark was usedfor cordage and chair caning. Elm is oftenassociated with Mother and...

A Tree Blessing

METHOD✤ Scatter elder leaves and berries to the fourdirections, and over the object or person to beblessed.✤ Say:Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Mystery,Third of the Threefold,Bless now this [person/obj...


Also known as ellhorn, elderberry and ladyelder, this is a tree the Druids used to regulatetheir communities and to bless. Elder wandscan be used to drive out evil spirits or thoughtforms. Music playe...


Also known as the tree of life, arbor vitae andyellow cedar, this tree grows to a great heightand has a very imposing spread. The wood isreddish-white, fragrant, and close-grained,particularly in olde...


Also known as Scotch broom or Irish broom, itcan be substituted for furze (gorse) at the timeof the spring equinox. Sweep your outsideritual areas with it to purify and protect them;burning the blooms...


Blackthorn is a winter tree with a black bark andtruly nasty thorns, which are sometimes usednegatively in poppet magic. The thorny hedgessymbolize the idea that you may discover newopportunities or d...

A Love Charm

YOU WILL NEEDStrips of birch bark gathered at the New MoonRed ink and penLove Incense METHOD✤ Write on the birch stripBring me true love✤ Burn the strip along with the incense and say:Goddess of love,...


Known as Lady of the Woods, paper birch andwhite birch, the birch tree, being symbolic offertility and new birth, is closely associatedwith the waxing phase of the Moon. Girlswould often give their lo...


Since ancient times, some have believed thatthe first man was created from the branchesand flesh of the ash tree. Druid wands wereoften made of ash, for they were good forhealing and general and solar...


This is another tree sacred to the Druids. Thereare several magical uses for the apple. An applewood wand is the appropriate one to use if youwant to make shamanic journeys, since the appleis used as ...


This tree was sacred to the Druids. To this day,some water diviners still use its forkedbranches, traditionally called ‘wishing rods’. Itis still considered a crime to cut down a sacredalder tree and ...


Having looked at the components of spells andmagical workings, it is now time to turn ourattention to magical woods and trees. Naturalobjects, such as trees, are such an integral partof magic that any...

Connecting with the Essential Oils

The oils below help you to make a connectionwith your spiritual self, the essential you:Frankincense, Rose, Neroli, Linden blossomJasminet Linking blend tGalbanum 1 dropFrankincense 4 dropsJasmine 2 d...

Aura harmonization

Geranium 4 dropsJuniper 2 dropsOrange 6 dropsFennel 1 dropPetitgrain 6 dropsThis blend is particularly useful when you wish tocleanse and harmonize your aura.

Cleansing blend

Pine 4 dropsLemon 3 dropsBasil 3 dropsFir needle 5 dropsSpruce 5 dropsThis blend cleanses the aura, as suggested above,and gives an idea of the correct proportions to use

Harmonizing Oils

The oils in this next group are used forestablishing harmony, both in person who usesthem and in the atmosphere:Clary sage, Fennel, Geranium, Ginger, Juniper,Lavender, Mandarin, Orange, Petitgrain Fol...

Energizing Oils

The following are energizing oils and will give areal lift to your power (the proportions used canbe to your own personal preference):Basil, Coriander, Eucalyptus, Fir, Lemon,Peppermint, Spruce

Methods of Using Oils for Protective Purposes Method 2

Use your chosen oils in a spray ordiffuser, spraying around your body and overthe top of your head again, ensuring that youcover the whole area. Prepare your oils inadvance, combining them as necessar...

Methods of Using Oils for Protective Purposes

Method 1 Put just one drop of your chosenpure essential oil in the centre of your palm andrub your hands together. In this instance the oilis used neat. Holding your hands about 10 cm(4 in) away from ...

Using Essential Oils in the Auric Field

As they begin working magically, almost allpractitioners will find that they become moresensitive to the vibrations of the ordinary,everyday world. A crowded train, for instance,when you are bombarded...

Protection Blend

10 drops juniper oil5 drops vetiver oil5 drops basil oil2 drops clove oilShould you feel that you are in need of protection, thisoil can be burnt in an aromatherapy burner orsprinkled on a tissue and ...

Goddess Oil Blend

10 drops neroli oil5 drops nutmeg oil10 drops sandalwood oil10 drops jasmine oilWhen you invoke the Goddess, this oil is wonderful forallowing your vibration to meet with hers at any timeof the year.

Altar Oil Blend

4 parts frankincense3 parts myrrh1 part galangal1 part vervain1 part lavenderThis blend is one that can be used to anoint your altar,if you use one, or to diffuse around your sacred spaceat regular in...

Oils for Ritual Work

The following oil blends can all be used inritual work.t Sacred Space Blend t20 drops juniper berry oil10 drops frankincense oil10 drops sandalwood oil5 drops rosemary oil2 drops nutmeg oilThis is a g...

Aphrodisiac Oils

Use the following two potent mixtures as aperfume or added to 50 ml (2 fl oz) ofunscented massage oil (such as grapeseed oralmond oil) and have fun!10 drops ylang ylang2 drops cinnamon5 drops sweet or...

To Draw Love Towards You

5 drops rose oil15 drops sandalwood2 drops vetiver10 drops patchouli

To Draw Love Towards You

10 drops rose oil5 drops jasmine oil5 drops ylang ylang

To Strengthen an Existing Relationship

10 drops rose oil10 drops sandalwood oil5 drops lavender oilThis oil can be used as a perfume or to scent theatmosphere. The following two recipes can be used inthe same way

Dream Potion

10 drops jasmine oil10 drops nutmeg oil3 drops clary sageThis oil can be used to enhance the atmosphere of thebedroom before sleep. It is best burnt in anaromatherapy lamp rather being used as a body ...

Desire Oil

3 drops lavender oil3 drops orange oil1 drop lemon oilDesire oil is meant to entice another person to wantyou. If someone already does, but needs a littlepushing, a red, orange, pink, blue, or white c...

Marriage Oil

2 drops frankincense oil3 drops cypress oil2 drops sandalwood oilThis combination of oils is used to reinforce amarriage relationship, whether the union is good ornot. It may also be used to help stee...

Lover’s Oil

5 drops rosewood oil5 drops rosemary oil3 drops tangerine oil3 drops lemon oilLover’s oil may be used to enhance a relationship inall sorts of ways. Consecrate a candle with lover’s oiland light it ha...

Romance Magnet Oil

2 drops ylang ylang oil2 drops sandalwood oil2 drops clary sage oilTo attract love, rub romance magnet oil onto a pinkcandle and then burn it for three hours a day, everyday, until the person makes an...

Essential oil blends

■ Essential oils can be used in spells to generate ahigher vibration. The following blends can beused for anointing candles and for blessingobjects as well as for personal use. Ideally,when you combin...

Ritual Bath Oil Blends

Neroli 3 dropsOrange 1 dropPetitgrain 2 dropsMyrtle 3 dropsClary sage 1 dropLemon 1 dropRosemary 2 dropsEucalyptus 1 dropLavender 3 dropsChamomile 3 dropsMandarin 3 dropsFrankincense 4 dropsLemon 2 dr...

Ritual Bathing

One way in which essential oils can be used is inpreparation for ritual and spell making. Magicalpractitioners know that ritual bathing is anintrinsic part of any working and that theyshould come to t...

Ylang ylang

Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) gives a newappreciation of the sensual side of our being. Itbalances the spirit so that we can be open topleasures of the physical realm while stillappreciating spiritual...


Sandalwood (Santalum album) acts as a bridgebetween heaven and earth and allows us tomake contact with divine beings. It enables usto be calm enough to hear the music of thespheres and beings us into ...

Rose absolut

Rose absolut (Rosa centifolia) In India the ‘GreatMother’ was known as the ‘Holy Rose’ and thispersonification reveals just how profound theeffects of this perfume are when usedmagically. Said to be t...


Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) helps us to reconnectwith the higher realms of spirit and to experienceagain a sense of spiritual wonderment. When thespirit is affected by disappointment, spiritualpain an...


Neroli (Citrus aurantium) is one of the mostprecious essential oils, its vibration being one ofthe highest. It is pure spirit and is loving andpeaceful. It brings self-recognition and respitebecause i...


Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) signifies thepathway of the soul, allowing us to let go whenthe time is right. Wounds of body, mind andspirit are healed by myrrh and it bringsrealization that we no longer n...


Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia) is caring andnurturing. By allowing the heavenly energiesclose to the physical, it brings about healingand thus signifies the protective love of MotherEarth. Gentle a...


Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) provides us withour personal sanctuary and allows us access toa greater understanding of the spirit. It is saidthat jasmine brings the angelic kingdom withinour reach, th...


Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) resonateswith Mother Earth and all that is feminine. Ittypifies the archetypal energy of Goddessculture. Its energy is transformational and assuch it must always be u...


Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) holds some ofthe wisdom of the universe, both spiritual andmeditative. Able to cleanse the most negative ofinfluences, it operates as a spiritual prop in awide range ...

Clary sage

Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) has benefits for boththe physical and mental aspects of mankind,teaching us to be content with what we have. Itbrings prosperity of the spirit, and the realization that mos...

Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), with itswarm vibration, brings into our hearts love fromhigher realms, if only we allow it. The warmglow of cinnamon exudes right through spaceand time, transforming ...


At various points in the book, you will read ofthe many oils that can be utilized as adjuncts tothe various types of magic. They are an easyway of using plants in magical workings,particularly when sp...

Incense Cones

These cones are useful if you are travelling anddo not have access to your normal sources ofsupply. You could, of course, pop them intoyour travelling tools roll (see page 26).However, grinding charco...

Incense A Part of Every Day Life

The use of incense becomes such a part ofeveryday life that you will often find yourselffeeling quite bereft when you are not withinyour own personally enhanced environment.Given below is a way of bei...

Universal Incense

3 parts frankincense resin2 parts benzoin resin1 part myrrh resin1 part sandalwood1 part rosemaryBurn this incense for all positive magical purposes. Ifused for negative magical goals, it will cancel ...

Temple Incense

3 parts frankincense resin2 parts myrrh resinFew drops of lavender oilFew drops of sandalwood oilBurn this incense in your sacred space or grove. Youcan also use this as a general magical incense or t...

Talisman Consecration

2 parts frankincense resin1 part cypress1 part ash leaves1 part tobacco1 pinch valerian1 pinch alum1 pinch of asafoetida powder (smells horrible)

Talisman and Amulet Consecration Incense

2 parts frankincense resin1 part cypress1 part tobacco1/2 part ash

Offertory Incense

2 parts frankincense resin1 part myrrh resin1 part cinnamon1/2 part rose petals1/2 part vervainBurn this incense while honouring the goddesses andgods and also as an offering during rituals.

Crystal Purification Incense

2 parts frankincense resin2 parts copal resin1 part sandalwood1 part rosemary

Sacred Space Incense

1/2 part bay 1/2 part camphor 1/2 part lavender1/2 part broom1/2 part linden 1/2 part ground ivy

Circle Incense

2 parts frankincense resin1 part myrrh resin1 part benzoin resin1/2 part sandalwood1/4 part cinnamon1/2 part rose1/2 part bay 1/4 part vervain 1/4 part rosemary

Ritual Magic Incense

2 parts frankincense resin1 part wood aloeFew drops of musk oilFew drops of ambergris oil

Ceremonial Magic Incense

1 part frankincense resin 1/2 part gum mastic 1/4 part sandalwood

Consecration Incense

1 part mace 1/2 part frankincense resin1 part benzoin resin1 part gum arabicThis incense can be used for consecrating yoursacred space as well as any tools you may need.

Altar Incense

1 part frankincense resin 1/2 part myrrh resin1/4 part cinnamon

Saturn Incense 2

2 parts cypress1 part myrrh resin1 part dittanyFew drops of patchouli oil

Saturn Incense 1

2 parts sandalwood resin2 parts myrrh resin1 part Dittany of CreteFew drops of cypress oilFew drops of patchouli oilThis is the recommended Saturn incense formula.Remember that Saturn does put blocks ...

Jupiter Incense

1 part clove1 part nutmeg1 part cinnamon1/2 part balm 1/2 part lemon peelRemember that Jupiter is the planet and god ofexpansion, so you need to be very specific in yourintent when calling upon Jupite...

Mars Incense 3

4 parts benzoin resin1 part pine needles or resinScant pinch of black pepperBurn this incense to utilize the powers and attributesof Mars or during spells involving lust, competition ofany sort and an...

Mars Incense 2

2 parts dragon’s blood powder or resin1 part cardamom1 part clove1 part Grains of ParadiseThis is a good incense to use if you need the assertivequalities of Mars.

Mars Incense 1

2 parts galangal root1 part coriander1 part cloves1/2 part basilPinch of black pepper

Venus Incense 2

  3 parts wood aloe1 part red rose petalsFew drops of olive oilFew drops of musk oilFew drops of ambergris oilYou may find it easier to mix the oils together first.Burn this for help from Venus i...

A Venus Ritual for Beauty

  The goddess Venus is the goddess of beautyand the planet Venus – the brightest object inthe sky other than the Sun and the Moon – isknown as both the Morning and the EveningStar, thus this spel...

Venus Incense 1

  2 parts sandalwood1 part benzoin resin1 part rose petalsFew drops of rose oilFew drops of patchouli oil

Mercury Incense 2

2 parts sandalwood1 part mace1 part marjoram1 part mint or a few drops of mint oil

Mercury Incense 1

2 parts benzoin resin1 part mace1/2 part marjoramFew drops of lavender oilBurn this incense to invoke Mercury’s powers andqualities when performing rituals for such things asintelligence, travel and d...

Earth Incense

2 parts pine1 part patchouli1 part cypress1 pinch salt

Moonfire Incense 5

1 part rose1 part orris root1 part bay1 part juniper1 part dragon’s blood powder or resin1/2 part potassium nitrate (saltpetre)Burn this incense when you wish to call on the powerof the Moon while per...

Moon Incense 4

2 parts myrrh resin2 parts gardenia petals1 part rose petals1 part lemon peel1/2 part camphorFew drops of jasmine oil

Moon Incense 3

2 parts juniper berries1 part orris root1 part calamusFew drops of spirits of camphor or camphortincture or 1/4 part genuine camphorFew drops of lotus bouquet oil

Moon Incense 2

4 parts sandalwood2 parts wood aloe1 part eucalyptus1 part crushed cucumber seeds1 part mugwort 1/2 part ranuculus blossoms1 part selenetrope (you can substitute gardenia orjasmine if you cannot find ...

Moon Incense 1

2 parts juniper1 part calamus1/2 part orris root 1/4 part camphorFew drops of lotus oil

Egyptian Solar Incense

3 parts frankincense resin1 part clove 1/2 part red sandalwood1/2 part sandalwood 1/4 part orange flowers3 pinches of orris root

Sun Incense 2

3 parts frankincense resin2 parts sandalwood1 part bay1 pinch saffronFew drops of orange oil

Sun Incense 3

3 parts frankincense resin2 parts galangal root2 parts bay 1/4 part mistletoeFew drops of red wineFew drops of honey

Sun Incense 1

3 parts frankincense resin 2 parts myrrh resin 1 part wood aloe 1 /2 part Balm of Gilead 1 /2 part bay 1 /2 part carnation Few drops of ambergris oil Few drops of musk oil Few drops of olive oil Burn ...

Incense and Planetary Magick

These incenses can be used when you wish to call particularly on the power of the planets in your rituals. Incenses suitable for use with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are not included, as here you might ...

Water Incense

2 parts benzoin resin 1 part myrrh resin 1 part sandalwood Few drops of lotus oil

Fire Incense

2 parts frankincense resin 1 part dragon’s blood resin 1 part red sandalwood 1 pinch saffron

Earth Incense

1 part pine 1 part thyme Few drops patchouli oil

Air Incense 

Two parts of benzoin resin One part gum mastic A Half part lavender A Quarter of wormwood One pinch of mistletoe

Incense and The Elements

Tradition dictates that you honour the four ‘directions’ and their appropriate Elements. The following four incenses are suitable for honouring the four directions or cardinal points before moving ont...

Incense and The Lunar Cycle

Incense and perfumes can be utilized during the phases of the Moon to put you in touch with lunar energy. Sandalwood is particularly appropriate for the first quarter when the Moon’s waxing enhances s...

Winter Incense 2

1 /2 part mistletoe 1 /4 part holly 1 /2 part bay 1 /2 part oak 1 part pine 1 /2 part cedar Few drops of pine oil Few drops of cedar oil

Winter Incense

11 /4 parts lavender 1 /2 part cloves 1 /2 part cinnamon 1 /4 part benzoin resin 1 /4 part patchouli 1 /4 part mistletoe 1 /4 part orris root Few drops of bergamot oil

Autumn Incense

1 /4 part oak 1 /2 part pine 1 /4 part frankincense resin 1 /4 cinnamon 1 /4 part cloves 1 /2 part rosemary 1 /4 part sage 1 /2 part pomegranate

Summer Incense 2

1 part cedar 1 /2 part juniper 1 part sandalwood

Summer Incense 1

11 /2 parts lavender 1 part St John’s Wort 1 /2 part mistletoe

Spring Incense

1 /4 part primrose 1 part cherry 1 part rose 1 /2 part sandalwood Few drops of lilac oil Few drops of rose oil Few drops of strawberry oil

Incesnse and the Seasons

The following fragrances, either as plants or – where appropriate – essential oils, can be used to welcome each new season in your personal rituals. Spring: All sweet scents, particularly daffodil, ja...

Incense and Days of the Week

The incenses and oils below may be used alone or combined for your daily rituals for maximum effect. They have been recommended according to the planetary ruler of the days of the week. Day of the Wee...

Incense and Celestial Influences

This section is probably for those of you who have chosen to travel a little further on your voyage of discovery. The incenses again are used to make a link or to enhance a specific purpose. It will d...

Gypsy Sight Incense

1 part mugwort 1 /2 part clove 1 /2 part cinquefoil

Vision Incense

3 parts cinquefoil 3 Parts chicory root 1 part clove

Sight Incense

2 parts gum mastic 2 parts juniper 1 part sandalwood 1 part cinnamon 1 part calamus Few drops of patchouli oil Few drops of ambergris oil

Second Sight Incense

1 part parsley 1 /2 part hemp seeds 1 /2 part frankincense resin

Psychic Vision Incense

3 parts frankincense resin 1 part bay 1 /2 part damiana

Open Eyes To Spirit World

1 part gum mastic 1 part amaranth 1 part yarrow

Spirit Incense 2

2 parts sandalwood 1 part willow bark This incense is a good one to use (particularly outdoors)

Spirit Incense 1

1 part sandalwood 1 part lavender Burn on your altar or in your sacred space.

Recall Past Lives Incense

11 /2 parts sandalwood 1 /2 part water lily 1 /2 part holly 1 /2 part frankincense resin Few drops of lilac oil

Psychic Incense 3

1 part frankincense resin 1 part sandalwood 1 part cinnamon 1 part nutmeg Few drops of orange oil Few drops of clove oil

Psychic Incense 2

2 parts sandalwood 1 part gum acacia (or arabic)

Psychic Incense 1

2 parts sandalwood 1 part gum arabic

Psychic Power Incense

1 part frankincense resin 1 /4 part bistort

Divination Incense 6

2 parts sandalwood 1 part orange peel 1 /2 part mace 1 /2 part cinnamon

Divination Incense 5

1 part lavender 1 part rose 1 /2 part star anise 1 /2 part sandalwood

Divination Incense 4

1 part yarrow 1 part St John’s Wort 1 /4 part frankincense resin 1 /2 part bay

Divination Incense 3

1 /2 part cinnamon 1 /2 part chickweed 1 part thyme 1 part sandalwood

Divination Incense 2

3 /4 part cinquefoil 1 /8 part valerian 1 /2 part deerstongue 1 /2 part frankincense resin 1 part sandalwood

Divination Incense

1 part St John’s Wort 3 /4 part wormwood 3 /4 part bay 1 /2 part frankincense resin

Incense for Psychic Powers, Divination and Prophetic Dreams

Remembering that the use of mind-altering substances should be very carefully considered, this section sets about indicating substances that alter your sensitive vibrational rate. Each one of us consi...

Study Incense

2 parts gum mastic 1 part rosemary Burn this incense to strengthen the conscious mind for study, to develop concentration and to improve your memory.

Strength Incense 2

1 /2 part cinnamon 1 /4 part dragon’s blood powder or resin 1 /4 part frankincense resin 1 /2 part musk root 1 /4 part patchouli 1 part vetivert 1 /4 part yarrow Few drops of musk oil

Strength Incense 1

1 /2 part dragon’s blood powder or resin 1 /2 part musk root 11 /2 parts vetivert 1 /2 part cinquefoil Few drops of musk oil Few drops of Ambergris oil

Tranquillity Incense

1 part sage 11 /2 parts rose 1 /4 part benzoin resin 1 /2 part meadowsweet Few drops of rose oil This incense induces a sense of tranquillity which allows you to rebalance and recharge your batteries.

‘Poor Me’ Incense

1 /2 part cloves 1 /4 part juniper 2 parts willow 1 /8 part menthol Few drops of eucalyptus oil Few drops of wintergreen oil This incense can be used for when you feel the whole world is against you

Happiness Incense 2

1 part oregano 1 part rosemary 1 part marigold

Happiness Incense 1

1 /2 part myrrh resin 1 /4 part marjoram 1 part dittany 3 /4 part sandalwood 3 /4 part oregano Few drops of spearmint oil

End Negativity and Give Hope Incense 2

1 part dittany 1 /2 part camomile 1 /4 part patchouli

 End Negativity and Give Hope Incense 1 

1 part thyme 1 /2 part rue 1 /2 part sweet woodruff 1 /2 part cloves

Ease Emotional Pain Incense

3 parts bay 3 /4 part allspice 1 /4 part dragon’s blood powder 3 /4 part frankincense resin or gum arabic

Courage Incense

2 parts dragon’s blood powder or resin 1 part frankincense resin 1 part rose geranium 1 /4 part tonka beans Few drops of musk oil

Regain Health Incense 

3 parts myrrh resin 2 parts nutmeg 1 part cedar 1 part clove 1 /2 part balm 1 /2 part poppy seeds Few drops of pine oil Few drops of sweet almond oil This incense acts as a good ‘pick-me-up’.

Healing Incense 3

1 part rosemary 1 part juniper When used in oil form – that is, on a tissue placed on a radiator or in a burner – this incense is easily used in a hospital environment.

Healing Incense 2

1 part rose 1 part eucalyptus 1 part pine 1 pinch saffron

Healing Incense 1 

2 parts myrrh resin 1 part cinnamon 1 pinch saffron

Cold-healing Incense 

11 /4 parts pine 1 /2 part cedar 1 /8 part camphor 1 /8 part menthol 1 /2 part spruce Few drops of pine oil Resins have always had their part to play in incense. This particular incense will help ease...

Incense for Physical and Emotional Health and Healing

Any incense used for the purpose of health and healing should only be used as an adjunct to other methods. If you are prepared to use incense in this way, you will probably have an awareness of altern...